
Summary: crossdressing even though a sin, does not mean same thing

Crossdressing is not the same as transgender

Deuteronomy 22:5 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

Preserving Natural Distinctions

5 “A woman is not to wear male clothing, and a man is not to put on a woman’s garment, for everyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD your God.

Summary crossdressing even though a sin, does not mean same thing



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cross-dress·ing | \ 'kr?s-?dre-si? \

Definition of cross-dressing

: the wearing of clothes designed for the opposite sex



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trans·gen·der | \ tran(t)s-'jen-d?r , tranz- \

Definition of transgender

: of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity differs from the sex the person had or was identified as having at birthespecially : of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity is opposite the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth

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(krôs'dres', kros'-)

intr.v. cross-dressed, cross-dress·ing, cross-dress·es

To dress in clothing that is usually worn by the opposite sex.


cross'-dress'er n.

cross'-dress'ing n.


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(trans-jen'd?r, tranz-)


Relating to or being a person whose gender identity does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth.

n. Offensive

One who is transgender.

Usage Note: Transgender is properly used as an adjective. Its use as a noun is offensive; phrases such as a transgender person or a person who is transgender are preferable. When referring to more than one person, the phrases transgender people or the transgender community can be used. · The term transsexual is older than transgender. Although the use of transsexual as a noun was once acceptable, nowadays, such use is usually considered offensive.

Yes even desiring to crossdress is a sin. Crossdressing can be a result oof a bet or dare maybe both but their gender identity is same as before. They may be of any sexuality 9 straight, bisexual or gay (lesbian for women). Transgenders can be of same sexuality as above but gender identity is not same .

I have known many people who have had to do above because of dares and or bets and kept same sexuality and gender identity.

Does a curious young person who tries on siblings clothes and or just underwear make them transgender? No way. Not in my mind.

They are defining the T in LGBT. Yet what about the cross-dressers who self-identify as a transgender woman, yet do not want to become a full-time woman and are still content in their dual-gender role as a male and femme self? Their femme identity needs to emerge, but not so much as they feel they were born the wrong gender. Many cross-dressers still use the term transgender woman and contend that the transsexuals “stole” the term which was once inclusive of cross-dressing men.

Cross-dressers are a largely misunderstood group. They are different than transsexual/transgender women in that they were more attracted to the woman’s clothing than actually feeling they were born the wrong gender. Most of these men followed the typical path of playing sports, chasing women, striving to be success in a career and having a wife and family. They were all male, except for their need to dress and express themselves as a woman, sometimes.

Cross-dressers don’t fit in a “box.” Yet, they have their own conflict and concerns as many are filled with guilt for not coming out sooner to their wives/families. They feel shame and confusion for being who they are, for the most part, because they have been in hiding their entire lives and have not been out in public, at least where someone knew them.

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I am sure we all have been curious about something in our lifetime. It is in our nature.

Let’s us pray

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