
Summary: Part 2 of this 2 sermon series about attitudes. Please search SermonCentral for part 1 of this message

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"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there by any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things" - Philippians 4:8

Motivation matters. Whatever action I take, I want to have the right motives. "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31).

1. You have the capacity to choose your thoughts – Last week we talked about this aspect. Today we will learn something different whish is.

2. Attitudes can be changed and improved when you walk with Jesus

A. The Spiritual Mark

In Acts 3, we find Peter and John going to the temple to worship. Just outside the temple gate sat a beggar who had been crippled from birth. This man had never walked a step in his life. When he saw Peter and John, he asked them for alms. Peter answered him, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee” (Acts 3:6). Peter then prayed for the beggar, saying, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth., rise up and walk” (3:6). Instantly, the man was healed! In utter joy, he began running through the temple, jumping and shouting, “Jesus healed me!”

Everyone in the temple marveled at the sight because they recognized the man as the cripple. When Peter and John saw the crowds gathering, they began preaching Christ. Thousands were saved. Yet, while Peter and John were preaching, the synagogue rulers “came upon them, being grieved” (Acts 4:1–2). These high and mighty men asked the disciples, “By what power, or by what name, have ye done this?” (4:7). Peter was emboldened by the Holy Ghost. He answered the rulers, “His name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the man you crucified just three weeks ago. God raised him from the dead. And now he’s the power that healed this man. No one can be saved by any other name. You’ll be lost if you don’t call on Christ’s name” (see 4:10–12).

The rulers sat stunned. Scripture says, “They marvelled [admired them]; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus” (4:13). The phrase took knowledge comes from a root word meaning “known by some distinguishing mark.”

What was this mark that distinguished Peter and John? It was the presence of Jesus. They had Christ’s own likeness and Spirit.

“Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit…”Ephesians 1:13.

Believers have been marked. I have been marked by God! I belong to God’s Brand…are you?


Those who spend time with Jesus can’t get enough of him. Their hearts continually cry out to know the Master better, to draw closer to him, to grow in the knowledge of his ways.

What is your passion? What really excites you? What provokes your interest, stimulates your thoughts, motivates your life? Is it your job? Could it be your boyfriend or girlfriend? Possibly it’s your spouse or your grandchildren. Maybe it’s your favorite sports team, your musical interests, your music, favorite food, or your hobby. Whatever it may be, this enthusiasm for something on earth really isn’t worth living for!

Test yourself for a few moments. Suppose that you want to do something or go somewhere. It may not be clearly sinful—such as watching a compromising sinful TV program, buying a luxury vehicle, going to a pornographic movie, traveling to the casino in Las Vegas, open the wrong website, or going to a party to take drugs. No, it may be something less obvious. Yet you recognize that it is not pleasing to God or it violates the teachings of Jesus. What do you do? Do you go ahead and follow your own will—or do you surrender your will to the will of the Lord Jesus? What or who do you put first in your decisions of life?

Search your own heart. Consider all aspects of your life and ask whether your lifestyle demonstrates a heart of love and devotion to Jesus:

· How do you use your time?

· How do you spend your money?

· What do you read and watch?

· What do you listen to?

· What do you enjoy doing?

· Are you in interested about sharing Jesus with as many as you can?

These are a few of the questions that you can ask yourself to reveal something of your heart. If you truly love Jesus and put Him first in your life, your family and friends and fellow-workers will know it.


How do we put God first?

“F” stands for Focus. Spend serious time reading Bible verses that talk about who He is and you will be filled with a sense of wonder and trust. Set your attention in the things that really matter

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