
Summary: One another passages

Admonish One Another

Romans 15:14

After Paul has finished a discourse on the idol-meat issue, a divisive and problematic issue for the church in Rome, Paul will write to them, "But I myself am fully convinced about you, my brothers and sisters, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, and able to instruct one another." (Romans 15:14, NET).

He has just finished writing about an issue that is causing problems for them, because it destroys the unity, oneness or togetherness of the body of believers. Paul wants them to be united, because only when they see themselves as part of one team they will minister to one another’s needs. I believe this background he has set, teaches us a lot about the context in which we are to fulfill our responsibility as members of one body. When we see each other as members of one body, the church, then we will become conscious that when one part suffers the whole body suffers too.

Paul is convicted of their ability to admonish one another for two reasons:

First, because they “are full of goodness.” I have heard once said that when it comes to communication people tend to get

a. 7 % from the words we use. This includes the choice of words.

b. 39 % from the tone of our voices. This includes the change in pitch, volume and speed.

c. 54 % from the body language that we use.

To me this example illustrates that not only what we say, but also how we say it is very important. We are to “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15). You have heard the famous axiom, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much care.” Our goodness has to be evident.

Second, because they are “filled with all knowledge.” The knowledge Paul means, I believe is knowledge of the Scriptures. There are a lot of people who try to give advice, to rebuke or warn. But only Scripture knowledge, gives a Christian the admonishment that ones needs.

In a time and age when the psychologists are getting richer and richer, there is a growing need and responsibility that Christ’s disciples must fulfill their role in the body of Christ. We have the greatest manual, which can penetrate at the psycho (soul) of man, the Bible. Let us internalize the Word of God, allow it to transform us into the image of Jesus and externalize it in our care for fellow Christians.

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