
Summary: The Word of Life (introduction to the book) - 1 John chapter 1 verses 1-4 – sermon by Gordon Curley PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:


(1). Why did he write the letter?

• He wants Christian’s to be satisfied:

• Chapter 1 verse 4:

• He wants Christian’s to be sinless:

• Chapter 2 verse 1:

• He wants Christian’s to be safe:

• Chapter 2 verse 26:

• He wants Christian’s to be secure:

• Chapter 5 verse 13:

(2). What to look out for in the letter?

• Theme 1: Love:

• Theme 2: Light:

• Theme 3: Life



• Joke: How many Christians does it take to change a light bulb?

• (it’s always good to laugh at ourselves!)

• How many Pentecostals does it take to change a light bulb?

• Answer: Ten.

• Explanation: One to change the bulb & nine to pray against the spirit of darkness.

• How many Reformed Christians does it take to change a light bulb?

• Answer: None.

• Explanation: The lights will go off & on at predestined times.

• How many Catholics does it take to change a light bulb?

• Answer: None.

• Explanation: Candles only

• How many Baptists does it take to change a light bulb?

• Answer: At least 15.

• Explanation: One to change the bulb and three committees to approve the change.

• How many Anglicans does it take to change a light bulb?

• Answer: Four.

• Explanation: One to call the electrician, one to make the drinks;

• And two to talk about how much better the old one was!

• How many Amish does it take to change a light bulb?

• Answer: What’s a light bulb?

• How many Amish does it take to change a light bulb?

• Answer: What’s a light bulb?

• How many United Reformed Church members does it take to change a light bulb?

• Answer: None.

• Explanation: How dare you be so intolerant!

• So what if the light bulb HAS chosen an alternative light style?

• How many Brethren does it take to change a light bulb?

• Answer: What do you mean change!

• TRANSITION: We are called (as Christians) to be light in a world of darkness;

• Not as some believers seem to think;

• Moaners, grumblers and complainers about the darkness!

IF we are to make a difference and impact our communities, our nation, our world:

• We need to heed the advice found in this first letter of John.

• In this letter the apostle John will tell us that:

• How you live means more than what you say!

• He will teach us that hypocrisy and hide-and-seek games with worldliness;

• Hurts you and those around you.

• He will teach us that many of the feelings people ‘fall into’ –

• Sentimentality, emotionalism, and lust – are not love!

• He will teach us that real faith must be based on time tested truth!

• He will teach us how each of us can be the person God wants us to be.

• I hope you are excited about studying this First letter of John;

• Because it ‘scratches where we itch’.

• As we seek to apply its truths with the enabling of the Holy Spirit.

• We can be people who walk in the light!

General observations:

• John was a fisherman who one day heard Jesus say; ‘follow me’.

• He left his nets and followed Jesus.

• This letter was penned about sixty years after he first heard Jesus say ‘follow me’.

• And it was written in Ephesus, Turkey around about A.D. 100.



• The letter contains no opening and no closing greetings.

• But the experts confidently assure us that it was John the apostle who wrote it.

• You can invest in a Bible commentary and read for yourself the reasons why!

• The early Church leaders are recorded as saying John wrote this letter.

• i.e. Papias who was Bishop of Hierapolis (near Laodecia) around a.d.125,

• i.e. Irenaeus Bishop of Lyons and Vienne in Southern France around a.d.185


• The letter has no destination;

• We have no clues as to where it was sent.

• But it was written to Churches John knew well;

• He refers to them again and again – in fact 9 times as ‘My dear Children’,

• He refers to them 6 times as ‘Dear friends’ (K.J.B.: ‘Beloved’)

• And the writer often uses the person pronoun ‘I’;

• There is a close relationship here, a bond.


• All though this letter was written to counteract certain false teachings;

• Primarily to Christians around about Asia Minor.

• If you ‘Google’ Asia Minor, you discover Asia Minor;

• Was the area between the Black Sea, Aegean Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea

• But scholars agree;

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