
Summary: DECEMBER 31st, 2023.

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Isaiah 61:10-11, Isaiah 62:1-3, Psalm 148:1-14, Galatians 4:4-7, Luke 2:22-40


Isaiah 61:10-11; Isaiah 62:1-3.

“The Spirit of the LORD God is upon me,” announces Isaiah (Isaiah 61:1). The prophet goes on to speak of restoration (Isaiah 61:4), and an everlasting covenant (Isaiah 61:8). “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,” echoes Jesus: and our Lord goes on to proclaim the year of Jubilee (Luke 4:18-19).

Isaiah, Israel, the believer, the church - and Messiah Himself - all respond with a hymn of joy at the grace of God, which clothes us with salvation, and robes us in His righteousness (Isaiah 61:10-11). This is what it means to have “put on Christ” in that which our baptismal initiation represents (Galatians 3:27). It also explains the on-going commands to “put on the new man” (Ephesians 4:24), and to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 13:14).

This passage is the reversal of another song, another time, when judgment and desolation loomed large upon the horizon of Isaiah’s contemporaries: the ‘Song of the Vineyard’ (Isaiah 5:1-7). There the husbandman (cf. John 15:1) looked for a fruitful harvest, but the vineyard yielded only bad fruit (Isaiah 5:4). The LORD looked for justice and righteousness in Israel, but found instead only oppression, and cries of distress (Isaiah 5:7).

Now at last the LORD will have His harvest: the dispossessed will no longer be fearful of those who exploited and oppressed them, neither their own people nor the invasion force of the enemy. Righteousness will spring forth before all nations (Isaiah 61:11), starting at Jerusalem (Isaiah 62:1). A once desolate and forsaken land will be restored (Isaiah 62:4).

According to God’s judgement, the northern kingdom of Ephraim/Israel wore a crown of pride, and their hitherto glorious beauty was a fading flower (Isaiah 28:1). The restored Jerusalem, however, was to be “a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD” (Isaiah 62:3). The “royal diadem” speaks of a kingdom of priests, kept by the hand of God.

Isaiah - and Messiah - will not hold their peace, nor rest, until the LORD has established Zion a praise in the earth (Isaiah 62:7). It was the gospel emanating from that city which yielded a plenteous Jubilee harvest for Christ. We should still, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6).

The involvement of Gentiles and kings (Isaiah 62:2) anticipates the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Isaiah prophesied elsewhere that “in the last days” the mountain of the LORD's house would be exalted above all hills, and people from all nations would gather to worship (Isaiah 2:2-3). According to the Apostle Peter, the last days began at Pentecost (Acts 2:16-17).

The bestowing of a “new name” (Isaiah 62:2) points forward to our new identity in Christ (Revelation 2:17). There is an identification with the new name of God (Revelation 3:12), and a hitherto hidden name of Jesus (Revelation 19:12). Whatever the name is, it will be pronounced by God.


Psalm 148.

The whole of creation - from the cosmos (Psalm 148:1), to terra firma (Psalm 148:7) - is called to praise the LORD. This includes angels (Psalm 148:2), and animals (Psalm 148:10), and men (Psalm 148:12). Psalm 148 could be a sermon amplifying the text of Psalm 145:10 - “All your works shall praise you, O LORD: and your saints shall bless you.”

The Apostle Paul informs us that “the whole creation is groaning and travailing in pain together until now” (Romans 8:22). The Fall of man has had cosmic consequences, introducing death and disorder into creation. With bated breath, nature awaits “the revelation of the sons of God” (Romans 8:19).

The opening exclamation OF praise (Psalm 148:1) is followed by several imperative exhortations TO praise. One by one, the various strata of the created order are challenged to take a different attitude - until at last the final invitation of this cosmic ‘altar call’ is full of expectation and hope (Psalm 148:13-14).

The appeal reaches first to the heavens (Psalm 148:1). Beginning at the place where angels dwell (Psalm 148:2), and through the starry domain of the Hubble telescope and its successors (Psalm 148:3), the summons goes forth into the sky and clouds above us (Psalm 148:4). Let them praise the LORD, for when He spoke they were created, and He made a decree that sets their limits for ever (Psalm 148:5-6).

Then the appeal is made to the earth. The command reaches down into the depths of the sea (Psalm 148:7), through the weather systems (Psalm 148:8), and up into the mountains. Trees are called to break forth into praise (Psalm 148:9); as is animal life, insects and birds (Psalm 148:10).

Then the whole human race (Psalm 148:11-12) is commanded to join the joyful symphony. The highest king is not excused; nor is the smallest child. All must join this song of praise.

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