Jerusalem- Baby Jesus Series
Contributed by Shawn Drake on May 1, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 19th Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Jerusalem".
Series: Biblical Cities- Jerusalem [#19]
Matthew 23:37
We are continuing in our Series about the most mentioned City in the Bible- Jerusalem.
Matthew 23:37
We have studied the beginning of Jerusalem, the building and destruction and rebuilding of the Temple, and the rebuilding of the City, walls, and gates. We do not hear anything about Jerusalem between the Old Testament and the New Testament; but the Romans had come into the region. The Roman Government and the Jewish Religious Leaders ran the City. This was the environment of Jerusalem in the days that Jesus was on this Earth.
This evening, we are going to look at an important event that happened in the life of Jesus in Jerusalem during His childhood. The Bible does not say much about Jesus’ childhood. The Bible does tell us about the conception and birth of Jesus; His dedication at the Temple; His family fleeing to Egypt when He was 2 years old; and His staying behind at the Temple when He was 12 years old. 2 of these things happened in Jerusalem.
We serve the God that created all things and is over time. How can we serve the Lord in a way that we will honor Him and use our time in an honoring way?
Luke 2:21-40
As you serve God, understand that your…
1. Schedule will change.
Simeon was made a promise by God that he would not die before seeing the Messiah. What an awesome promise made by God; but notice that it did not come with a schedule. We often make plans and schedules that do not fit with God’s plans and schedules. When that happens, we must make a choice- Change your plans or continue at your own risk. Simeon had to choose whether to be patient and wait, or continue on doing his own thing.
As you serve God, understand that your…
2. Priorities will change.
Anna was married for 7 years and I believe that she was a good wife. She probably had plans of being married many years, raising children, etc… Instead, her husband died, and she spent the next 60+ years of her life worshipping, fasting, and praying in the Temple. Her life changed in a very dramatic way; but she continued to serve God faithfully. Sometimes, God uses circumstances and situations to change our priorities.
As you serve God, understand that your…
3. Life isn’t all about you.
Why would Anna spend her entire life worshipping, praying, and fasting? Why would Simeon go to the Temple Courts when he did? Why would Simeon tell Mary and Joseph that Jesus would cause nations to rise and fall; and that Jesus would pierce even Mary’s soul? Because, they realized that their life isn’t all about them. We waste a lot of time and energy fighting for our rights, our wants, our desires, etc…
As you serve God, understand that your…
4. Excuses will destroy you.
Often times, instead of being faithful to God’s call; we disobey and then make excuses why. Simeon and Anna both could have used excuses of being too old or Anna of being a female and widow, etc…; but instead, they were faithful.
We waste a lot of time and energy making excuses for our bad decisions instead of just getting it right. We must stop making excuses for our mistakes and just get it right with God and move forward.
As you serve God, understand that your…
5. Life is God’s priority.
We are God’s #1 concern. Why did Jesus humble Himself and take the form of a man? Why did God allow His Son to be treated as He was? Why does God care so much about His fallen creation?
If we are to continue on for the Lord without large times of waiting and void in our lives, we must learn how to use our energy for the proper things.