
Summary: A study in 1st Peter

Introduction Marshall pg. 117

I. The ministry of Jesus: death and life vs. 18

A. “This verse gives on of the Bible’s shortest, simplest, and richest summaries of the meaning of the cross of Jesus Christ.” David Walls

B. Mark these four points:

1. Suffering

2. Justice

3. Entrance

4. Death and resurrection

II. The ministry of Jesus: spirits vss. 19-20a

A. These verses are tough to understand.

B. Three questions need to be addressed when looking at these verses.

1. Who were the “spirits” to whom Christ made his proclamation?

2. When did Christ make this proclamation?

3. What was the content of this proclamation?

C. Three major interpretations have been given to these verses.

1. Jesus descended into hell and preached to the spirits of those who perished in the flood in the time of Noah. (2nd chance) Hebrews 9:27 (variation on this is Christ preaching to the doomed)

2. Augustine (mid 3rd century) Christ preaching was done in the Spirit through Noah.

3. After His death and before His resurrection, Christ preached to fallen angels, as known as “sons of God,” who during Noah’s time had married “daughters of men” (Genesis 6:2; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6). Define spirit – are things as bad as they could be? No Answer the Questions –

a. Who were the “spirits” to whom Christ made his proclamation?

b. When did Christ make this proclamation?

c. What was the content of this proclamation?

D. Bible Mysteries

1. It is ok to say this is a difficult passage.

2. Remember what is plainly taught in the Scriptures.

III. The ministry of Jesus: baptism vss. 20b-21a

A. Notice the word “symbolizes.”

B. Not just an outward action

C. The inward action of God – Remember this is to encourage people.

IV. The ministry of Jesus: ascension vss. 21b-22

A. We serve a risen Lord.

B. We will talk about the ministries of Angels and later.

V. So what?

A. Take advantage of every opportunity to speak to others about Jesus.

B. Suffering is part of your Christian experience and testimony

C. Never stop thanking God for this great gift of salvation.

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