
Summary: The eleventh chapter of Revelations reveals unto us two witnessses that will prophesy in the great tribulation.

God’s Witnesses

Revelations 11:1-14

In chapter 10 it concluded with the command of Lord unto John saying “Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.”

This is the great commission that is given to the Church of God to take the gospel into all the world because there is coming a judgment day.

In Chapter 11 we see several things in the prophetic writings of John.

1. The Temple of God

See: Vs.1-2 John is given a reed (a rod about 10 feet in length) to measure the temple of God.

Mention: Ezekiel 40-42 Ezekiel is told to measure the temple of God

John is told only to measure that which is within the temple.

Key Phrase: “And them that worship therein”

This passage provides some interesting information such as we see here the Temple will be rebuilt. Today in Jerusalem there remains the Dome of the Rock and though Israel has occupied Jerusalem there is too much opposition to tear down the Islamic mosque and reconstruct the Temple. In the first 3 ½ years of the Tribulation period the Temple will be rebuilt again.

Question: Why measure the Temple?

• At first it may appear that those therein is a reference to the believers, but this could not be so because Vs.2 mentions the Gentiles are without.

• John measuring the Temple is probably symbolic of the LORD saying it belongs to Me as when a house or land is sold today it is surveyed.

See: Zechariah 2:1-3, 12 One day the Lord will claim His rightful place on the throne of David and as the King of kings and LORD of Lords.

Vs.2 Here we are specifically told that the Gentiles will tread underfoot the holy city for 42 months which is the last 3 ½ years of the Tribulation Period.

See: Luke 21:20-24 The times of the Gentiles

2. The Two Witnesses

See: Vs.3-5 I will give power to My two witnesses…

Vs.4 These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks…

See: Zechariah 4:1-4, 12-14 The two anointed ones

See: Deut. 19:15 At the mouth of two witnesses

And: 2 Cor. 13:1 Let every word be established upon two or three witnesses

Then: Hebrews 10:28 These witnesses were require under the law

Mention: Matt. 26:59-61 The two false witnesses against Jesus the Christ

The question has been debated over the years about who are these witnesses?

• Some have said they are Elijah and Enoch because they never died a physical death

I cannot be dogmatic on this subject but at this time in heaven there will be many who have never died a physical death. Perhaps there perspective is just concerning the prophets.

• Other says they are Moses and Elijah and I tend to lean towards these two because of the signs that follows them.

Vs.6 The power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days

See: James 5:17

“Have power over water to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues”

Mention: Exodus 7:10, 19

Vs.7 when their testimony is finished they will be killed by the Antichrist

3. Death and Life

See: Vs.8-14

The two witness bodies are left in the street of Jerusalem which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt.

God has a way of emphasizes a point throughout His Word with words and here it is said that Jerusalem spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt.

Mention: Isaiah 1:9-10 the situation of Judah was such except the small remnant

Sodom is homosexually and Egypt is worldliness

Vs.9-10 the reaction of the world at this time.

Point: in the 1st Century one would say John must be crazy to write such a thing that many people could see these bodies lying in the streets but today we satellites that makes this a reality.

See: Psalms 79:1-3 They are without a burial as they lie for 3 ½ days

See: Vs.11-14 “Come up Hither”

After 3 ½ days they are brought to life by the Spirit of God and ascended up to heaven in a cloud…

This is picture of the rapture of every believer. When our testimony is finished God will call us unto Himself and certainly at the rapture of the Church there will be that call unto the dead in Christ and those which are alive in Him.

Vs.13 this will get the attention of those who will witness this resurrection because they will give God the glory as to say from my perspective that this is the work of the LORD.

Question: When He says to His Church “Come Up Hither” will He be speaking to you?

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