The Two Kingdoms Series
Contributed by David Jenkins on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Two Kingdoms
Romans 5: 12Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned—“
This section from 5:12-21 is one of the most enigmatic passages in the entire book, for Paul sets out to show how one’ man’s death can provide salvation for many. To prove his point, he uses Adam to establish the principle that it is possible for one man’s actions to inexorably affect many other people.
Just as… sin entered: Not a particular sin, but the inherent presently to sin entered the human realm; men became sinners by nature. Adam passed to all his descendants the inherent sinful nature from the moment of conception (Psalm 51:5), make it impossible for man to live in a way that pleases G-d.
Satan the father of lies (1 John 3:8), first brought temptation to Adam and Eve (3:1-7). This is important for us to understand for several reasons. When you take a look into Genesis 1:26-27 you discover that man was created in the image of His Creator, and Adam (In Genesis 2:16-17), was given the instructions of life, not Eve. Why would this be important? It goes back to Genesis 2:16-17 because man was told to tend, which implies shepherding over G-d’s creation. Woman was to help man in shepherding God’s creation, but Eve did not hear from G-d therefore her responsibility was limited to the authority of the man’s. This is further important, because Adam heard from the Lord therefore he has responsible to teach Eve which is obvious she was not instructed in the ways and decrees of Messiah.
The language of command to Adam in Genesis 2:16-17, speaks to the very foundations of our lives as men because it was men whom God commissioned to shepherd over His creation, therefore it speaks to the very foundation of our hearts because G-d created men to shepherd over His creation. He made humanity to bear the original glory. The original glory was meant to be taught by man and passed onto woman through instruction of the fact that humans were created in His image. Yet through sin they became disobedient, and thus they realized that they were naked, not merely physically but spiritually.
The reality is that through Yeshua we are clothed anew, no longer naked but clothed in His righteousness. What a parrell between Adam and Yeshua we have, for it shows two worlds, one of disobedience and one of obedience in Him. Yeshua was obedient to the point of death, while Adam was obedient only when not tempted through trials. How we need more people who are willing to stand firm through the fire, to be transformed into the image that He bade them to bear and gave them back that image through His blood. He created you for original glory Hallejiuah to the Lamb!
We have many today who haven’t heard directly from the Word of the Lord, and they are like Eve, stumbling in the darkness. It is time that the shepherds of the flock harken out to the congregation, because they are the ones commissioned by Messiah to proclaim the seasons of Messiah.
Through one man: When Adam sinned, all mankind sinned in his loins, by brining spiritual death and depravity to man, that sinful nature would be was not originally subject to death, but through his death his sin it became a grim certainty for him and his posterity. Death has three distinct manifestations 1) spiritual death or separation from G-d (Eph 1:1-2; 4:18; 2) physical death (Heb 9:27); and 3) eternal death (also the second death), which includes not only eternal separation from God, but eternal torment in the lake of fire (Rev 20:11-15). Because all sinned: Because all humanity existed in the loins of Adam, and have through procreation inherited his falleness and depravity, it can be said that all sinned in him. Therefore, humans are not sinners because they sin, but rather they sin because they are sinners.
The phrase all have sinned at some time in their lives, thus referring to individual sins. Paul takes his readers back to the beginning of human history, to the one sin that brought death upon us all. The unity of the human race is demonstrated here. In Adam we all sinned (1 Cor 15:22). The result is physical and spiritual death for everyone. From Adam we inherited a sin nature. Furthermore, as a result of our sin in Adam, we face a common judgment-death.
How can we be declared guilty for something Adam did thousands of years ago? Many feel it isn’t fair for G-d to judge us because of Adam’s sin. Yet each of us confirms our heritage with Adam by our own sins everyday. We have the same sinful nature and are prone to rebel against God, and we are judged for the sins we commit. Because we are sinners, it isn’t fairness we need-it is mercy.