The Beginning Of… Promise Series
Contributed by Glenn Durham on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God meets our every need through the promised Messiah.
Scripture Introduction
When we were in Jackson, MS, our pastor told us about his interactions with a young follower of Satan. After speaking with him several times, Pastor Mike asked him directly, “Is it because you hate Jesus Christ and love the devil that you worship him the way you do?”
Scott said, “Oh no, Pastor Ross. Don’t let anyone fool you. No one loves the master [meaning the devil]. It’s only fear that makes me follow him. I fear that his power is stronger than God’s, and when the final conflict comes at the end, I’d rather be on his side than on the side of Christ the loser. [He then began to tear up.] But no one loves the devil; you only serve him because you fear him.”
Even his own followers have no affection for him. There is a permanent and irreversible conflict between Satan and humanity, a hatred, what the Bible calls, enmity. It began with the first promise of God, a promise which protects us from the full consequences of sin and provides for a full and final redemption. Genesis 3 describes the beginning of promise.
[Read Genesis 3.14-15. Pray.]
Our God is a promise maker and the promise keeper. He began that work in Genesis by pledging a Messiah to separate us from Satan with an enmity which protects us from the power of evil one. God then weaves into the Bible a great string of promises looking forward to his Christ.
• In Exodus, the promise is a lamb slain so that death and destruction “Passover” the people of God.
• In Leviticus, the promise is a perfect high priest making sacrifices sufficient for forgiveness and effectual for sanctification
• In Numbers, the promise is lifted up in the wilderness, so that whoever believes in him may not die, but have eternal life.
• In Deuteronomy, the promise is the law spoken through one greater than Moses, and kept by him for the blessing of God’s people.
• In Joshua, the promise is God’s conqueror, fighting all his and our enemies to take the promised land
• In Judges, the promise is a lawgiver rescuing his people from the downward spiral of rebellion’s consequences
• In Ruth, the promise is a kinsmen redeemer, a husband who absorbs disgrace and marries the Gentiles into God’s family
• In Samuel, the promise is appointed by a perfect prophet, a king after God’s own heart, one who loves the Lord and leads with complete selflessness
• In Kings, the promise is the all-wise ruler who unites God’s people in both pure worship and holy living
• In Chronicles, the promise is a descendant of Adam through Seth, the omnipotent king who wisely prioritizes a heart of worship
• In Ezra/Nehemiah, the promise is a rebuilder of the city and temple of the Lord, in order that things that cannot be shaken may remain
• In Esther, the promise is the providence of God working all things together for the salvation of the Lord
• In Job, the promise is the righteous sufferer made perfect, now able to intercede for eternal salvation
• In Psalms, the promise is not ashamed to be our brother, the singing Savior worshiping God in our midst
• In Proverbs, the promise is the wisdom of God walking straight paths and preparing beforehand the way for us to walk in them
• In Ecclesiastes, the promise is the meaning of life, the wisdom who makes all other philosophies vain and foolish
• In Solomon’s Song, the promise is the perfect love of God made flesh, wedding the church and washing her clean of all sin
• In Isaiah, the promise is the suffering servant restoring peace, the virgin’s child who is the Son of God
• In Jeremiah, the promise is the prophet weeping over the sins of his people, pronouncing judgment followed by the redemption and restoration of Messiah
• In Lamentations, the promise absorbs God’s full wrath with sorrow of soul, leaving love, mercy, and faithfulness which fully overcome pain and destruction
• In Ezekiel, the promise gives his Spirit to resurrect a people reduced to dry bones
• In Daniel, the promise rescues from the furnace of judgment, a man in the fire, one like a son of the gods
• In Hosea, the promise is the faithful husband washing a filthy bride
• In Joel, the promise brings the day of the Lord and the pouring out of the Spirit on all flesh
• In Amos, the promise judges cruelty and pride, calling God’s people to faith in the crucified
• In Obadiah, the promise demands justice so as to vindicate the people of God
• In Jonah, the promise is a resurrected preacher, a missionary of salvation to the Gentiles