
Summary: Today, people are watching the movie, "Silence Of The Lambs" and today we will NOT keep silent about our Lamb (Of God)!

We first see the story of Abraham and his son, Isaac, taking his son the son of promise to Mt. Moriah, that he was to sacrifice his son as a burnt offering to God. As they drew near to the time, Isaac asked the question, "Where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" And Abraham says, "God will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." We know Abraham followed to through with the sacrifice until the angel stopped him just in time to save his son. Abraham sees a ram nearby and it becomes the sacrifice in place of his son, Isaac. (Genesis 22)

"WHERE'S THE LAMB?" said Isaac, is the message in the history of God's plan of the ages. In the OT, Leviticus 22:19 says sacrificial animals had to have no defects. In Exodus, it was the innocent male lamb, that had to be killed, and the blood had to be sprinkled on the doorposts of the Israelites so that the death angel would not destroy those who were in the home. It was the blood of the lamb that saved the people of God that night. And every year since then, for 3500 years, the nation has observed as The Passover.

There are special requirements for this occasion. (Ray Pritchard) says briefly. 1. It must be a lamb, from their household, nothing else could be a subsitute. 2. It must be a male. 3. Not older than a year, in the prime of it's life. 4. No defects. 5. It must not have any broken bones, They did not break the legs of Jesus after he died. (John 19:32-36) 6. The sacrifice was to be before the evening hour, Jesus died at 3 pm! 7. The blood of the lamb was shed and applied to the door post. Jesus' blood was shed and saved those who have the blood applied to them to their hearts.

"WHERE IS THE LAMB?" Isaiah answers this question 500 years later. In Chapter 53, he writes about the Lamb of God that was oppressed and afflicted, and did not open His mouth; He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before His shearers, is silent, so he did not open His mouth.(verse 7) This is the innocent, sinless Jesus who became the Passover Lamb of God. Silently He died as a sacrifice for all who want His blood in their hearts.

WHERE'S THE LAMB?" Jesus came to be that little lamb of Mary's! John Baptist preaches to us, BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD!, He takes away the sin of the world. The Lamb died on the cross to be our sacrifice. Revelation refers to Jesus as the Lamb 30 different times. The Lamb Of God will one day return.

CONCLUSION: "Mary had a little Lamb, wo lived before His birth; Son of God from Heaven He came to earth.

Mary had a little Lamb see Him in yonder stall, Virgin born Son of God, to save man from the Fall.

Mary had a little Lamb, obedient Son of God, Everywhere the Father led, His feet were sure to


Mary had a little Lamb, crucified on the tree, The rejected Son of God, He died to set men free.

Mary had a little Lamb, men placed Him in the grave, thinking they were done with Him.

Mary had a little Lamb, ascended now He, All work on Earth is now done, Our Advocate, now.

Mary had the little Lamb, mystery to behold; From the Lamb, a Lion will unfold.

When the Day Star comes again; It won't be the Lamb in silence, but the Lion's roar.

AMEN and AMEN! Where's Lamb in your life right now?

Presented By Larry L. Vollink, Retired Chaplain/Pastor, Cedar Springs, MI (616) 655-4129,

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