Jerusalem- Rebuilding The Gates (Part 2) Series
Contributed by Shawn Drake on Mar 6, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 16th Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Jerusalem".
Series: Biblical Cities- Jerusalem [#16]
Matthew 23:37
We are continuing in our Series about some of the most mentioned Cities in the Bible. Tonight, we are going to study the city that is 1st on the list- Jerusalem. Jerusalem is mentioned 811 times in the Bible. Currently, there are 3 different Religions that consider Jerusalem to be a holy site- Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
Matthew 23:37
We studied last week how the 2nd Temple was built. Last week, we studied how Nehemiah rebuilt the walls around Jerusalem and tonight, we are going to study how Nehemiah rebuilt and replaced the gates around Jerusalem. It is important to know that the people worked on the gates that were close to their homes. As they built these gates, they had enemies that did everything they could to stop their progress. It got so bad, that they had to work with their weapons ready to fight.
Nehemiah 3:14
1. The Dung Gate.
For those of you who are not sure what the word “dung” means, it means “manure”. The human and animal waste was taken out of the city through this gate to the City Waste Facility located in the Hinnom Valley. This was where all of the garbage and waste was taken. This is an illustration of the affects of sin.
^ Manure stinks.
When you leave your sinful waste laying around, others will have to smell it. When the wind blows the stench of manure your direction, you leave; and that is what happens when Christians stink- People leave.
^ Manure stains.
Have you ever walked out of your vehicle across the lawn to go into your home and you obviously walked through something a dog had left for you in your yard? What happens? You track it into your house; and you stain your carpet, your clothes, etc… Not only does that stink up your house; but it leaves stains from all of your next steps. Our sins don’t just affect us. Other people end up accidentally walking through our sin and dragging it into their lives and homes.
^ Manure stores.
If manure is not cleaned up and removed, it will begin to store diseases; and then flies and other insects will begin to move it around to us. Sin left untaken care of will begin to grow and spread to a point that it will begin to kill and destroy. Something so small as a virus can destroy a life.
The Dung Gate is where…
* You get rid of waste.
You know that sin left unattended will ultimately destroy you, so you must get it out of your life.
The Dung Gate is where…
* Fertilizer is created.
It is amazing to me how God can take all of my waste and use it to help other people.
The Dung Gate is where…
* You must pass through daily.
This is not something that you can allow to pile up. You need to deal with the manure in your life on a daily basis; if not, it won’t take long to cause problems.
Nehemiah 3:15
2. The Fountain Gate.
The Fountain Gate appeared to be the gate that was in the worst condition. It was so bad that the ruins of that gate blocked Nehemiah’s journey when he took a secret tour of the city walls during the night. When he got to the Fountain Gate he had to turn back because he could go no further until it was repaired. It is believed by many that when the Babylonians attacked Jerusalem; that it was at the Fountain Gate where the main attack took place. This would make sense from a spiritual perspective, because it is the “True Fountain of Living Water”, Jesus Christ; that took the full brunt of the attack from the enemy.
The Fountain Gate got its name from the fact that it was the primary access to the Fountain located at the Gihon Spring. This spring was Jerusalem’s only reliable source of water. In times of drought, the Gihon Spring would still flow freely. As we go through the Fountain Gate, we find traits of a maturing believer. In order to be a maturing Christian, you must be tapped into the life-giving water of salvation found in Jesus Christ.
Salvation from your sins is compared to water because water is necessary for life. You can survive a long time without food; but without water for more than a week, you will die. If you want to kill your grass, trees, or plants- Don’t let them have water and they will wither up and die. The human soul is no different. Without the water of salvation, the human soul will die. That is what the Samaritan woman at Jacobs Well found out. I want you to see some things concerning a maturing believer.