
Summary: Because of what God has done you owe Him your life.

Romans Series Mitchell Skelton

In View of God’s Mercy

Romans 12:1–21

I. Offer Your Bodies

A. As Living Sacrifices. 1 Cor. 6:20

B. Holy and Pleasing. Romans 12:9–13

1. God’s word shows us how to live holy lives.

2. Isa. 35:8

II. Don’t Conform to the World.

A. Christians no longer belong to the world. John 15:18–19

B. Those of the world will perish. Isa. 13:1

C. Romans 12:14–17

III. Be Transformed

A. Renewing your Mind. Romans 12:19–21

B. Pride and Ambition, Two tough old mental habits.

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