
Summary: More than just a structure, David recognized that his home—and everything in it—belonged to God, and he invited the Lord to reign not only in his life but also in his household. This Psalm challenges us to ensure that our homes are truly Christ-centered, where Jesus is Lord of all.

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Dedicating Your Home to God!

Psalm 30


Ps. 30 = deeply personal to David

Divinely Inspired Title:

“A Psalm and Song at the dedication of the house of David.”

Some believe that the occasion of this Psalm isn’t referring to David’s literal house but to the house of the LORD… possibly when he brought the Ark of the Cov to Jerusalem… erected the Tabernacle… making Jerusalem the center of Jewish worship of Jehovhah. [2Sam.7; 1Chron. 16]

Others claim that it took place when David was filled and pride and took the sinful census of his warriors… God sent a plague took lives of 70,000 Israelites… David bought the land to be the future site of the Temple that later be built by his son Solomon. [2Sam.18; 1Chron. 21]

Interesting: Title says that it was at the dedication of the house of David.

“House” = comes from a word that speaks of a home, or a household where family dwell… this wasn’t just any house… house of the king… David’s personal, private, residence.

Setting: 2 Sam. 5:11,12; 1Chron 14:1,2

Momentous day in David’s life… wilderness years were over… promises God made to him that day as a young man in his mid-teens… when Samuel poured the anointing oil upon him have come to pass… David firmly planted as King over all Israel… his friends have built him a house… family ready to move in… but before they do David dedicates his home to God.

By dedicating his home to God…

1) David recognized that every good thing in his life came from God.

2) Jehovah God was Lord of not only of his life but of his home.

Lot of folks claim to have a Christian home… ever thought about what it really means to have a Christian home???

Christian Home = more than just a house with Christians living in it… a Christian Home is a home in which Jesus is Lord of that home.

Ps. 127:1 – “Except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it.”

A home dedicated to God is a home in which the people living in that home are dedicated to God.

Psalm 30 = David teaches us how to dedicate our homes to the LORD…


Look: vv.1-5

v.4 – “Remembrance”

Memory = a wonderful gift of God

David meditating on the past… goodness and faithfulness of God in his life… blesses His holy name.

So, opening verses of the Psalm David recounting all that God had done… where he was and where God had brought him to.

v.1 – “Extol” = to lift up, to praise

v.1b – “Lifted me up” = brought him to a place of victory.

v.2 – “Healed me” = more than just physical healing… emotional and spiritual.

12 long years David fled from Saul… hiding out in the wilderness… living in caves… wondering if the next moment would be his last… imagine the toll that must of took on David… weakened physically, depressed emotionally… discouraged him spiritually.

Talks about it…

v.3a – how many times had Saul and his henchmen have David hemmed in… seemingly no way out… standing on death’s door… die by the hand of his own King who hated him… many a time David thought he was a goner!

v.3b – “Thou hast kept me alive…”

v.4 – calls upon his own family… friends… people that have gathered with him to share in this special occasion to join him in praise to God!

Tells them to… “give thanks”

Challenge = exhortation… “give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.” = God’s blessings in your life.

Challenge to us!!!!

**Dedicate our homes to the LORD… gather family… have a worship service… ponder God’s past blessings… rehearse where the Lord brought you from and where he has brought you to. Give testimony… tell of all the good things God has done in your lives and how He has blessed your family.

Remind = your children that every good thing in your life and their lives comes from God!

Reflect = on the goodness and faithfulness of God in your life!

Gospel Song = “Ain’t God good to give us so many blessings, undeserving that’s what we are.”

**Not only does David lead us to rejoice, to worship… gives us a reminder…

v.5 – “For his anger endureth but for a moment” = I didn’t handle everything right… times of failure in my own life… invited the chastening hand of God… glad that his anger… displeasure doesn’t last forever.

“In his favour is life” = God was gracious, merciful… forgave and restored me.

Ps. 23:3; 1John 1:9

“Weeping may endure for a night” = seasons of weeping will come… lasts just for a night… morning time will come… weeping times may come but they don’t come to stay… they come to pass…

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