Your Life Is Designed For Destiny - Exodus Part 2 Series
Contributed by Dan Carroll on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: An explanation of the second chapter of Exodus, showing Moses as a product of faith and destiny.
• Ever wonder how God works out your destiny?
• The first ten verses of Chapter 2 in Exodus give a picture of the supernatural work of God wove into the hands of people.
• D.L. Moody said of Moses, “He spent the first 40 years of his life thinking he was somebody. The second 40 years of his life learning he was a nobody. And the third 40 years of his life watching what God can do with a nobody.”
• Moses learned what some of us need to learn - it’s never too late to be used in a huge way by God.
• These two are always tied together. if you want to fulfill your destiny you must live by faith.
Exodus 2:1-4, “The woman conceived and bore a son; and when she saw that he was beautiful, she hid him for three months. But when she could hide him no longer, she got him a wicker basket and covered it over with tar and pitch. Then she put the child into it and set it among the reeds by the bank of the Nile. His sister stood at a distance to find out what would happen to him.”
• Like Jesus, Moses was born at time of great danger…but like Jesus God supernaturally watched over him and his destiny.
• 1:15,22 - Kill all the boys.
• Time of great cruelty for his people.
• Moses had a brother and sister…Aaron who was three years older and Miriam oldest as siblings.
Vs. 1-2 - His parents hid him.
Hebrews 11:23, “By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden for three months by his parents, because they saw he was a beautiful child; and they were not afraid of the king’s edict.”
• They feared God more than they feared the king…good lesson for all of us to learn.
• Destiny is always tied into obedience and faith.
• Father’s name Amram and mother Jochebed.
• Think about three months of hiding him and fear…ouch.
• Then discussing a plan…what and how to do something.
• In the midst of great sorrow they made a plan.
A strategy…with a supernatural outcome.
• There is a very important principle here.
• God does use human strategies…you can be totally led by the Spirit and need to set a plan in order.
• Spy out Nile, the princess, make a basket, set it where she sees it and hide Miriam to watch and be part of the plot. Give Miriam lines to speak.
• Hebrews 11 tells us she is a woman of faith…with a strategy…don’t miss this part.
• Verses 4-5 - She had to have spied on the princess and scoped out her bathing hole…then strategically set Moses in the reeds.
• And Miriam…had to hide in a certain place…and rehearse her lines with her mom.
• The Egyptians considered the Nile a God…and the princess may well have thought the Gods delivered up this child to her.
Verse 5 – They found the baby and mom must have been holding her breath praying.
• Verse 7 - Miriam speaks up.
• Vs. 8 - God moves in.
• Are planning and praying exclusive of one another? No, but you must leave room for God to rule over your plans.
• You search for a job and pray for a miracle…you don’t sit home declaring God will do it.
• Beware of the difference between faith and presumption.
Vs.9-10 - She took him to Pharaoh’s daughter…never to see him again.
• Steps of destiny often contain painful decisions…and outcomes.
• From slave quarters to the palace…from familiar family to strangers…with a strange language and habits.
• He didn’t move down the block he moved to another planet.
• No one he knew to play with…no touch from mom and dad.
• Don’t you know his mother wept…cried out to God.
• Her loss was very real…as was his family’s.
Not unlike what Dr. M L King lived through:
“And if you aren't out of this town in three days, we're going to blow your brains out, and blow up your house.