Biblical Meditation: Thinking Through It Series
Contributed by Dan Proctor on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We live in a very fast-paced society and culture. It seems there is always somewhere to go and something to do. We don’t take time to meditate and ponder on life, the true meaning of life, the direction of our life, God, heaven, and the Bible.
Biblical Meditation: Thinking Through It
1 Timothy 4:15
1. We live in a very fast-paced society and culture. It seems there is always somewhere to go and something to do. When we do have some “down time,” it is usually eaten up with some sort of media device (TV, radio, Web, iPhone, iPad, Facebook, movies, etc.).
2. What does all of this mean? It means that we have little time for just thinking. We don’t take time to meditate and ponder on life, the true meaning of life, the direction of our life, God, heaven, the Bible, the state of our heart – things that really do matter.
3. Here in our text, Paul has been giving invaluable doctrine and instruction to his son in the faith, Timothy. In verse 15, Paul simply says, “Meditate upon these things…”
• The word “meditate” means “to ponder, reflect or contemplate; revolve in the mind.”
• The idea of meditating is found throughout the Bible. Example:
Psalm 19:14, 119:99
4. Paul wanted Timothy to take the spiritual truth that he had been given and not just read it (vs. 13), but to ponder it, revolve it in his mind frequently, and consider deeply its nature and importance. Paul wanted it deeply fastened in his heart.
• Ever hear the expression, “I need to think through this?” What do we mean by this? It means “I need some time to reflect on this and ponder it.”
• To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting. Example: Hearing the message on Sunday morning and that’s it, versus listening, taking handout home, reading it over during the week, thinking each day that week about the truth that was shared, etc.
• What are you doing? You are thinking through it! This is so crucial. This morning I want us to think through the importance of thinking through it, as it relates to God’s truth.
5. As I said, there are so many things competing for our time and attention today. My hope is that through this message you will become convinced of the importance and the benefit of biblical meditation and that you will begin setting aside time for it.
What is biblical meditation?
1. Simply put, it is taking time to ponder and reflect on God’s truth.
• Notice what the Lord told Joshua in Joshua 1:8.
• Notice what the apostle Paul told the church in Philippians 4:8.
2. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Our actions will follow after our thoughts.
3. If we want to live godly (like God), we must think like God. We must fill our thoughts with His thoughts. The only way to do this is to spend time meditating on the Bible.
4. Do you spend time meditating on God’s Word? Maybe you read it, and maybe you even study it, but meditation is an even deeper level of learning.
God’s plan vs. Satan’s plan of meditation
1. Satan has a plan of meditation to counterfeit God’s plan. Examples of this include yoga, Buddhist meditation, and new age meditations, with the most popular being transcendental meditation (TM). Many movie stars have endorsed this.
• The TM technique (rooted in Hinduism) involves the use of a sound or mantra and is practiced for 15-20 minutes, twice per day. According to the TM movement, it is a method for relaxation, stress reduction, and self-development.
2. Transcendental meditation is nothing new. Eastern religions have been practicing these principles for years, such as in Hinduism and other religious sects. How does this form of meditation differ from biblical meditation?
3. The focus on TM is subjective and inward, while the focus of biblical meditation is objective and outward (God and His Word). Psalm 63:5-6
4. TM starts with man; biblical meditation starts with God. Psalm 104:34
5. TM teaches that within the heart of man is the answer to his problems, and through meditation this source is uncovered. Biblical meditation teaches Jeremiah 17:9, and through meditation on God’s Word we can overcome our tendency to do evil. Psalm 119:9
6. Biblical meditation focuses on God and His Word (Isaiah 26:3; Psalm 119:15, 23, 48, 78, 99, 148), while TM focuses on some subjective force, object, or mantra.
7. Beware! TM shows up in many different places (sometimes disguised), trying to suck people into it. They may say, “Go to your quiet, secret place and seek help from your imaginary advisors. You can go any time you want to.”
What will biblical meditation do for the believer?
1. It will provide stability in your life. Psalm 1:2-3 (God’s truth will root and ground you.)
2. It will help you to obey God’s Word. Joshua 1:8
• Psalm 119:11 says, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”