The Realities Of Discipleship Series
Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: When we walk with Jesus, our lives are filled with meaning and rich. But the Christian life is not an easy life, forcing us to first count the cost as we evaluate the following facts.
The Realities of Discipleship
(Mark 8: 34-38, Psalm 49 and Daniel 7:13-14)
1. The Sunday School teacher taught her class, “The wicked kings and queens of the Bible thought no one or nothing was more powerful than they were. Who can tell me who or what is more powerful than a king or queen?
“I know,” a little boy blurted out, “An Ace!”
2. The teacher probably thought she needed a new deal after that one!
3. Of course the answer she expected was, “God.” He is above all powers, all kingdoms. And when God became a man in the person of Messiah Jesus, he demanded our full and complete allegiance, and rightfully so.
4. Yet we struggle to follow him as learners and imitators of his character — as disciples. I think it is fair to say that none of us have mastered discipleship, primarily because of our inconsistent walk with him.
5. Much of Jesus teaching here is an exposition of Psalm 49 and Daniel 7:13-14. Jesus probably taught for a while on these texts, and we have but a few summary highlights. By studying the texts together, however, we can create more context.
Main Idea: When we walk with Jesus, our lives are filled with meaning and rich. But the Christian life is not an easy life, forcing us to first count the cost as we evaluate the following facts.
I. This Present Form of the Kingdom Includes HARDSHIP on Earth (34-35 with Psalm 49:5-6)
A. The future reign of Christ on earth will be GLORIOUS
• Jewish beliefs at the time…
B. But the current form of the Kingdom means taking up the CROSS
1. Sometimes SUFFERING for our beliefs, including humiliation
• But in Psalm 49, the idea is being surrounded (mocked) by evildoers
Psalm 49:5-6, “Why should I fear in times of trouble, when the iniquity of those who cheat me surrounds me, those who trust in their wealth and boast of the abundance of their riches?”
2. Discipline and habits of DISCPLESHIP
When you hear the word “Sunday,” you need to think, “Sunday is for discipleship.” It is the day I bear down to grow, learn, worship, pray, and fellowship.” We should try to develop habits for a short time in the Word & prayer, just a few minutes, daily.
3. It is writing God a blank check, as far as even dying for him
The cross is not your mother-in-law or boss; it may literally mean dying for Jesus, & hundreds have done in the past weeks in the middle east…for most of us, however, it means willingness to suffer mockery, hardship, or being excluded…for Jesus!
One minister was getting a tour of another minister’s church. With pride the minister pointed to beautiful auditorium, expresso coffee bar, amazing sound system, and huge food court. As they stepped outside, darkness was falling, and a spotlight shone on a huge cross atop the steeple.
“That cross alone cost us twenty thousand dollars,” the minister boasted.
“You were cheated,” replied the first minister. “Christians used to get them for free.”
4. Worth it: to be right with God, at peace with him:
I Peter 2:25, “For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.”
C. The seemingly foolish but wise saying: lose your life in Jesus and FIND it
• True in eternity, but also true in this life
• Relative deprivation: neighbors have new Cadillacs , you a 10 year chevy
• Focusing on helping/loving others makes you more joyful; focusing on your self brings depression and despair
When we walk with Jesus, our lives are filled with meaning and rich. But the Christian life is not an easy life, forcing us to first count the cost as we evaluate the following facts
II. We Cannot Save Our Own Souls, Which is Why We Need JESUS (36-37 with Psalm 49:7, 15)
A. Answer to first question: NO profit
We tend to define “success” incorrectly. Success is taking up your cross and following Jesus faithfully as his disciple. It is not owning a chain business, winning a sports’ championship, or being the best musician in town.
B. What can a man give in EXCHANGE for his soul
C. A MIDRASH (teaching) built upon Psalm 49
Psalm 49:7, 15 “Truly no man can ransom another, or give to God the price of his life” (7); “But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol, for he will receive me” (15)
Jesus did what he could not do. His life, as the God-man, could atone for our sin.
When we walk with Jesus, our lives are filled with meaning and rich. But the Christian life is not an easy life, forcing us to first count the cost as we evaluate the following facts