"sardines, Biscuits, And Thee Bread Of Life" (Message 14 -- Gospel Of John 2021) Series
Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on Apr 27, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: This message deals with John 6 and the feeding of the 5,000. Jesus was trying to get them to look beyond physical bread to the Bread Of Life. This was the climax of Jesus' popularity, and the point when many turned against him.
(Message 14 Gospel of John 2021)
John 6:1-15;22-35;48-59
Greenmount and O’Leary Churches of Christ
April 25, 2021
Video Link:
1.) I have titled this morning’s message: “Sardines, Biscuits, and The Bread of life.”
A.) I think we are all familiar with this account of Scripture,
aa.) It is one of the favourite Bible Stories we all learned from childhood in Sunday School.
B.) The importance of this passage is seen in that it is the only miracle of Jesus recorded in all four Gospels except for his own resurrection.
2.) Today I want us to see more than a nice story for this was the turning point in the ministry and popularity of Jesus.
A.) This boy’s five barley biscuits, and two small fish and the miracle which Jesus performed was at the very peak of Jesus’ popularity.
B.) It was also when many so-called disciples of Jesus decided that He was not the one they wanted to follow.
1.) The food distribution was to be done in an orderly manner. (6:10)
A.) The people had probably been standing around listening to Jesus as He taught and preached.
B.) Mark’s Gospel gives us the further information that the grass was green, and that Jesus had them sit in groups of fifties and hundreds.
ba.) In this way it would have been easy for the disciples to walk between the groups and distribute the food.
bb.) We are told there were 5,000 men in addition to the women and children so likely the total group may have been 20,000 or more people.
2.) There was plenty of food for all. (6:11)
A,) After having everyone seated, Jesus blessed the food, and gave thanks for it.
aa.) Five little biscuits and two small fish doesn’t’ sound like a lot to give thanks for, and perhaps the people wondered what would happen next.
ab.) But then Jesus started giving the food to the Apostles to distribute to the people.
ac.) We are not given the details as to how this miracle was done.
aca.) After Jesus prayed for the food was the area suddenly covered in food?
acb.) Maybe the Apostles each had a basket and Jesus gave some to each of them.
acc.) Whatever the details of this event we are not told, but whatever the method that Jesus used there was more than enough food to generously meet the needs of all who had assembled there.
3.) There was to be no waste. (6:12-13)
A.) Jesus said to gather up the leftovers so that nothing would be wasted.
aa.) Even though the food was miraculously produced and in bountiful supply, Jesus was not casual or wasteful in what was left over.
ab.) In all the Apostles gathered up twelve baskets of food when the potluck was over.
4.) There was a realization of Jesus. (6:14)
A.) The men who are spoken of in this verse were the Apostles.
B.) There may have been others who came to believe Jesus was the prophet, because like Moses he had provided bread from heaven, but I expect it was mainly the Apostles who came to that belief.
ba.) I say this because of the unbelief the next day among the Jews that gathered to hear Jesus.
1.) The next day they sought another miracle of physical food. (6:25-26)
A.) Jesus had disappeared with the disciples to the other side of the lake, and the next day they went looking until they had again found Jesus.
B.) When they had found Jesus, he was neither thrilled nor flattered that they had found him.
ba.) Jesus was blunt and stated they were not looking put their faith in Him, but because they wanted Jesus to give them another meal.
bb.) This account makes me look at myself and “Why am I following Jesus?”
bba.) I feel each of us must ask ourselves the very same question.
bbb.) Am I following Jesus for the expectation of what He can do for me, or am I following because of a genuine love for Him, and faith in Him?
.01) I hope that each of us are following Jesus for the right reasons, and not selfish reasons, but that is a question that each one of us must ask and answer of ourselves.
2.) Jesus said to Labour not for physical food but for the bread of life. (6:27)
A.) John 6:27
B.) Jesus makes it clear not to put our focus on the physical only, but to look to Him who is truly the bread of life.
1.) Jesus is The Bread of life. which gives eternal satisfaction. (6:35)