
Summary: This is a fun little sermon with a seriously big message.

Quit Monkeying Around And Be A Real Ape

Ephesians 4:25 – 5:2

Introduction: “Mimetai Tou Theou” = Be imitators of God. Here is an exhortation in the present tense. It is to be our constant pursuit. What we became at conversion we must diligently continue to be thereafter! “Mimetai” = to mimic or imitate, have the nature of, simulate. There is another word we use and that is to “ape”. To ape means to copy.

This is a fun little sermon with a seriously big message. Use some visual aids. Anyone can do this. Follow along and note three things.

I. Quit Spouting Off And Sweeten up

Carry a small packet of sugar. Hold it up and explain simply what it is.

Look at v.25. “Therefore” = he concludes that since they now belong to Christ, “each” is

to “put off” (picture of taking off dirty clothes), “falsehood” – Lies, deception, dishonesty and corruption. The first sin judged in the N.T. church was lying. Instead, be controlled by the truth. If the body is to be healthy we must deal honestly.

Look at v.29. “Unwholesome talk” (Sapros). Rotten or putrid speech is meant. The reference is to foul language, vulgarity, criticism and unkind words. Both of these verses have to do with speech (spouting off).

Now look at 5:2. Note the words “love” and “fragrant offering”. The meaning is that of a “sweet” smell or odor.

Open up your sugar packet and pour it down the hatch! Now that should sweeten up my attitude, disposition, outlook and tongue!

II. Quit Boiling Over And Chill out

Carry with you a jelly bean. Let’s call this our “chill pill”.

Observe v.26. “Anger” (Thumos) – a passionate outburst. “Wrath” (Orge) – a settled

habit aroused under certain conditions. Some things we should be angry over. But be careful here lest you give the devil a foothold.

Observe v.31. Bitterness and brawling. Rage and rancor. Malice and meanness. Both of these deal with an uncontrolled temper, runaway emotions.

Now look at v.32. Note “kind”, “compassionate” and “forgiving”. Pop a couple of jelly beans (chill pills) and call me in the morning.

III. Quit Loafing Around And Buckle Down

Get a copy of a track called a “Round Tuit”. You can make your own. Cut out a small piece of paper, draw a circle and write the word “Tuit” in the center of the circle. A lot

of people say, “I’m going to do that as soon as I get around to it (round tuit). Now you don’t have any excuses, you have a “Round tuit”.

Look at v.28. Quit stealing and start working, so you can provide for yourself and


Conclusion: When we spout off, boil over and loaf around there are always consequences. We grieve the spirit (v.30) and damage the body (of Christ). We hurt His mission and harm His cause.

Quit monkeying around and be a real ape!

Note: I have done this at FBC Dresden and some revivals. I put a small sugar pack, a jelly bean and a round tuit in a little plastic baggie and hand them out to the audience.

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