You Gotta Have Wisdom To Grow Series
Contributed by Troy Luttrell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Only when believers are controlled by Biblical knowledge are they able to walk worthy and please the Lord
Background: (1:1-2)
• Last week we learned that before we can say that Christ is all I need, we must have solid faith in the gospel. If a person does not
believe in the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, then they are not Christians. And the telling sign that someone is truly born
again is not by the degrees they have, but rather by their desire to learn more about Jesus and in turn produce fruit.
* Ill: It was a philosopher in the 1600’s by the name of Francis Bacon, that coined the phrase, “knowledge is power.” But
long before Francis Bacon penned these words, the apostle Paul stated them first to the church in Colosse. After hearing
about this church (both their growth and struggles), Paul writes to them his prayer for them, a prayer that is specific to the
needs of these dear Christians. And in this prayer, we see that Paul is very specific to their key to victory over the false
teachers….knowledge…specifically a greater knowledge of God’s Word.
Proposition: “Only when believers are controlled by Biblical knowledge are they able to walk worthy and please the Lord.
I. Christ is All You Need To Believe In. (key verse – 1:18)
A. You Gotta Have Faith in the Gospel. (1:3-8)
B. You Gotta Have Wisdom to Grow. (1:9-11) (Notice Paul's prayer for this church centers around three request)
1. To Overflow with Godly Intelligence. (vs. 9) “be filled”
• There is a danger in not having enough knowledge (lack of knowledge). Ill: better have knowledge with
working with electricity & marriage; both will burn you if you are not careful or prepared. Hosea 4:6 – “My people are
destroyed for lack of knowledge. Eph. 4:13-14 – “lack of knowledge produces immature children.”
• Danger to mix godly knowledge and religious pursuit (worldly)
a) Filled: this word means to be totally overflowing. This church was being told that they needed more knowledge from an
outside source. Paul is instructing them that they do need more knowledge, but stay in God’s Word.
b) Comprehend: (Wisdom) This is the gift of God’s Spirit
c) Apply: (Understanding)
e) Application: How can you obtain knowledge?
• Must desire it. John 7:17 “If anyone wills to know my will…”
• Must depend on the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 2:10-12
• Must study Scripture. 2 Tim. 3:16-17
2. To Walk in Practical Obedience. (vs. 10) “walk worthy”
a) Request: “Walk worthy to please Him” “I cannot work for God unless I am walking with Him…” OBEDIENCE
• Scripture commands us to walk worthy in: Humility, purity, faith, good works, love, and truth.
b) Results: When I am walking in a matter pleasing to Christ, it is reflected in two ways: It will be seen through my
fruitful good works & through my fruitful spiritual growth.
c) Application: Ill: “Walk worthy to be the starting quarterback” means to have done well and excelled in everything
that the coaches demanded. To know the play book and execute the plays!
* When I am obedient to God’s Word, then it speaks of a good walk before God.
3. To Receive Abundant Strength. (vs. 11) “strengthened with all power”
• We know that our power comes from the Holy Spirit. If we are going to fight against the powers of darkness, we
must be filled with God’s power.
• Glorious power, refers to the power that raised Jesus from the dead.
a) Need strength to deal joyfully with people. (Patience)
b) Need strength to deal joyfully with circumstances. (Long suffering)
c) Need strength to give thanks for all things. (1:12a & 1 Thess. 5:18)
d) Application: Ill: Watching rockets go to space, they have multiple rockets to help thrust that object into space
– one will not do. We need the Holy Spirit, and we need the prayers of the saints.