13) The Word Of God Equips Us! Series
Contributed by Brandon Max on Jan 11, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: God has always intended for His Word to be a fundamental part of our lives. The Word not only Profits Us, and Completes Us - but it also Equips Us. The Word has been given to us so that we might be “fully equipped” for all aspects of life and ministry.
Those Things Most Surely Believed
Text: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
As recorded in Luke 1:1 - we are continuing week by week to confirm:
“...those things most surely believed among us?”
You see - as Children of God we need to know what we believe.
So far, in this series of lessons - we have looked at the things we believe about God,
Now are beginning to explore the things we believe about God’s Word.
On that note, I ask that you turn with me once again to 2 Timothy Chapter 3.
This is our fifth lesson on God’s Word now - and our third instalment
Right here in the very same text in 2 Timothy.
Now remember our whole task and focus over these past weeks
Has simply been to emphasize the things we believe about the Bible...
And to really recognise and appreciate the extraordinary value
Having the Word of God can be to our lives.
Notice how Paul starts out in verse 16 saying:
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is Profitable.
Of course, in the Greek – the term “profitable” doesn’t refer to financial gains,
But is simply a general term used more broadly to mean:
That which is “advantageous”, “beneficial” and of course “useful”.
You see, there is incredible value behind God’s Word
Because of just how useful it is to all our lives – it benefits us all.
And Paul really hits this point home by carrying on further to say:
All Scripture… is profitable for… (and then he makes a list – vs 16).
Firstly, Doctrine – which speaks of “Teaching”
Secondly, for Reproof – which is a process whereby
We are shown our faults and convicted of our sins.
Thirdly, for Correction - which is really all about how God is able to fix our faults
And deal with our sins - primarily through Jesus Christ,
Then last but not least…
We are told that all Scripture is beneficial because it provides
…Instruction in Righteousness.
In other words, this is how God shows us the right way to live.
Now you tell me – Is there a place and purpose
For the Bible in our everyday lives today – absolutely!
And when we put all the truths of this verse together – it’s clear to see why.
The Word of God is incredibly useful because…
It Teaches us…Reproves us… Corrects us…
And even Instructs us in how to live right.
God didn’t just create us and leave us to our own devices…
Because He gave us His Word so that we can Profit by it.
Brethren this is what we believe!
And that really leads us into what we learnt last week.
You see, not only does the Word of God Profit us…
But it is also the tool God uses to Perfect us.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God… - Paul declares,
And down in the first part of verse 17: That the man of God may be perfect,
Now being human, it’s important we don’t let a statement like this go to our heads.
Brethren - don’t misinterpret what is being said here.
Remember this term “perfect” in the original Greek...
Doesn’t refer to being “sinless” or “without fault”.
In fact the truth is, none of us are perfect in that regard – are we.
Even after we come to know the Lord and accept Jesus Christ as our Personal Saviour,
And even after we receive the Holy Spirit into our hearts...
Which seals us unto the day of our redemption - we still have sinful tendencies in the flesh...
And a whole lot of flaws remaining in our lives.
And this is what makes the Word Of God so important to us...
It’s because it helps to perfect us.
Of course, the word Perfect in this context – doesn’t speak of being sinless or without fault,
But instead speaks of being made “whole” or “complete”.
It’s a term that speaks of combining many individual parts together,
So that a designed purpose can be met.
And this is what is so neat about this verse…
Because after we come to realise that it’s God who created us,
And that He created us with a specific purpose in mind,
We are told that - It’s His Word that leads and directs us...
And brings all the pieces together so that we might serve Him.
You see, the Bible is God’s manual for life and living…
And it enables us to live “Whole” and “Complete” lives the way God intended.
Listen to me now,
A Child of God - without the Word of God…
Will never be able to put all the pieces together.
On the other hand…