
Summary: Be careful that you don’t equate material prosperity with true wealth. How does the Bible describe the richest person? Take a look at the Macedonian Christians.



INTRODUCTION: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the richest of them all? Is it the one with the most money? Most toys? Biggest house? Finest car? Newest furs? Sparkling diamonds?

Be careful that you don’t equate material prosperity with true wealth. How does the Bible describe the richest person? Take a look at the Macedonian Christians. Look at:

I. Their Grace (v.1)

Grace had motivated their generosity. They excelled. Paul used them as an example.

II. Their Generosity (v.2)

When grace is at work it affects three things.

A. Relationships: Each other.

B. Response: Needy world.

C. Resources: How we give.

If anyone had an excuse for being miserable it was them. They were experiencing severe trials (economic hardships) and extreme poverty (rock bottom destitution). Their generosity could not be explained other than by God’s grace. They didn’t let their circumstances prevent them from giving.

III. Their Gusto (v.3-4)

They gave beyond their power and ability. They pleaded for the privilege to give. They didn’t have to be begged or pressured. God’s grace opened their hearts, heads and hands.

IV. Their Godliness (v.5)

Here’s the key. “They gave themselves.” They gave themselves sincerely, willingly, intelligently and completely. They gave themselves in lifestyle, attendance, ministry and service.

V. Their Guide (v.9)

Their greatness is to be our guide. Of course Jesus is our greatest guide. Notice:

A. His unlimited possessions: He was rich (in possessions, position and power).

B. His unparalleled poverty: He became poor (birth, etc…).

C. His unswerving purpose: “That we might be rich.”

CONCLUSION: Who’s the richest person around here? It is the person who has given himself to the Lord and in whom the grace of God is actively working to make him generous!

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