The Rewards Of An Overcomer Part Iii Series
Contributed by Mark Hall on Aug 29, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: I give permission for this sermon to be used in its fullest for the glory of God. One of the most awesome things about eternity is that Jesus promises to reward everyone who overcomes with great rewards.
One of the most awesome things about eternity is that Jesus promises to reward everyone who overcomes with great rewards. If you are interested in overcoming the world, and gaining the great rewards of heaven; if you are interested in hearing Jesus say to you, “Well done good and faithful servant,” then please open your Bible to Revelation 12:11 and Revelation 21:7 for this special message, “The Rewards of an Overcomer Part III.”
Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. NKJV
Revelation 21:7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. NKJV
There is a deep cost for those who overcome, and the great rewards that come with it. There is a price to pay to overcome an immoral, ungodly world. There is a price to pay for choosing the righteous truth of Jesus Christ over the evil standards of the world. And that is becoming more true every day. There is a price to pay, and that price includes rejection, hate, persecution, the loss of property, and even the loss of life. This is why the Bible says…
2 Timothy 3:12 all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. NKJV
In a world that calls evil good, and good evil, we are called by God to not imitate the world, but to overcome the world by living holy and godly lives in an ungodly society. We do not overcome the world with weapons of warfare, but by the blood of Jesus and the testimony that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only way of salvation.
In Revelation 2:10, Jesus says those who overcome must… Be faithful until death…
For those who overcome and are faithful to the end, Jesus promises great rewards.
These great rewards involve crowns, and treasures, and positions of glory, and the fulfillment of some of the most awe-inspiring promises ever given. In the book of Revelation, we find seven magnificent promises that are specifically reserved for those who overcome.
Last week, in the first great promise Jesus promised those who overcome and repent of their spiritual apathy would receive the special promise to eat from the Tree of Life.
The second promise is the Crown of Life for those who overcome and are faithful until death.
The third promise is the promise of hidden manna and a white stone for those who overcome by putting off the immoral and sinful ways of the world, and putting on the righteousness of Jesus Christ and living a holy and godly life that honors Him.
Some may look at these promises and say, what’s so special about eating from the Tree of Life or having a white stone? The point is, these promises were made by Jesus Himself and I would never turn down anything Jesus wants to give me. His rewards are so magnificent that even the smallest reward of heaven will far surpass all the combined treasures of this world. But… to reap these great promises and the rewards they offer; we must be an overcomer.
Now, let’s turn our eyes to the final four promises that Jesus offers to those who overcome.
The fourth promise is related to the church of Thyatira. When Jesus spoke to the church of
Thyatira, He commended them for their works, their love, their faith, their patience and their spiritual progress. This church appeared to be a strong, vibrant church with the special kind of qualities that most people would love to be part of. But the sad reality is, that mixed in with these good things, they were also allowing false teaching to sweep through the church that said they could participate in the immoral sins of the world and God’s grace would cover it. It does not work that way. This immoral teaching was so bad that Jesus labeled the leader of this false teaching a Jezebel. To be called a Jezebel by the Lord Jesus is probably the worst thing He could ever say about someone. To overcome the world and its false teachings we must be different from the world by living godly lives, and holding on to the truth that we have in Jesus. Jesus said…
Revelation 2:25 hold on to what you have until I come.
hold onto what you have… for how long? Until He comes… An overcomer must hold onto…
the faith that the Bible is God’s living and holy word.
We must hold onto the truth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.