Testimony Matters Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Our testimony is the most important thing that we show the world. In all situations, unbelievers are watching Christians to see how they react and with the supreme testimony of Christ given to us, we should live above the foolishness and honor God fully.
“Testimony Matters”
1 Peter Sermon Series, Part 6
1 Peter 2:11-25
- (v1-3) Commanded to rid ourselves of 5 specific behaviors of life today
-- When you see what these all mean, something interesting unfolds for us
1. Malice
2. Deceit
3. Hypocrisy
4. Envy
5. Slander
- Something interesting to note about all 5 of these attributes:
-- They all involved us judging others; not one of them exalts Christ
-- Every one of these attributes sets us in direct opposition to one another
-- Therefore, “Love God, Love People” isn’t even possible with these
- Then, we saw how we are to make Jesus the corner stone of our faith
-- What is most important is placing Him in the position of honor; Cornerstone
- Tonight, we are going to examine our testimony and the value it MUST have
-- This is not a typical Sunday morn message; it is for diving deeper in our study
-- Christ is calling us to a life different than the world, and tonight we’ll see that
- Read 1 Peter 2:11-25
∆ Point 1 – The life of a believer is a testimony (11-12)
- Peter is urging those who call themselves Christians (v11)
-- We are foreigners; exiles; strangers; aliens to this world … NOT CITIZENS
-- Our citizenship is not here – therefore these commands must encourage us!
- When Peter writes that we should abstain … it means to turn away from
-- It is a call to hold back; to avoid acting like; to not seek after those things
- God is very specific about sin and what He calls sin; it’s a measuring stick
-- Therefore, avoid those things which wage war in your soul
- Those things which cause us to stumble and to not live for God
-- APP: Sinful desires are best described as: “desires motivated by selfishness”
- So, if we are avoiding those things, what should we do? (v12)
-- Live lives that bring glory to God among those who do not believe in Him
-- EX: When around unbelieving friends they want to bring up Jesus/church
-- They know how I live my life, and they are (unbeknown) drawn to it
- So, even when we are discredited by those we live around; integrity is intact
-- The accusations may be flung, but we are called to live above those things
-- Why? So that God may be glorified (and not us) when He appears
-- IMP: Life is not about clearing our good name; but honoring the name we carry
- All too often we want to take on the fight and ensure we are proven right
-- King Jehoshaphat had a similar problem when faced with a huge battle
-- The armies were vast, the battle was surely to be lost, & as a leader he panicked
-- But the Holy Spirit answered him clearly (and us) as well!
-- 2 Chron 20:15, “He said: "Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says to you: 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's.”
- TRANS: So where do we apply this living? Everywhere!
∆ Point 2 – The testimony of a believer with those in authority (13-17)
- We are called to submit ourselves to those over us (v13-14)
-- To submit even those we don’t like, but those who are in power over us
-- This even includes those in political circles that we do not agree with
- Romans 13:1, “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”
-- Peter commands that we submit willingly to those in authority over us
-- APP: This is a challenge for all of us … no matter where we are
- Peter wants believers to submit willingly; to stand for what is right; but submit
-- Means we don’t cower away from challenges; but we stand firm with respect
-- We are to submit because that is God’s desire for His people … period!
- Why? So that we can focus on the things of God which He has called us to
- We should live in a manner that silences the nonsense and foolish chatter (v15)
-- We live lives where our behavior speaks of who we serve; and who’s we are!
-- We live as FREE people; but don’t use that to sin and do what you want
- (v16-17) This principle is very clear and must be adhered too in all things
-- Look what Peter commands us to do in our daily lives:
• Live as free people