
Summary: The miracle-working God is alive and active, ready to intervene in our lives in powerful ways. As we recognize His nature, the conditions for miracles, and the purposes behind them, we can align ourselves with His will and expect the miraculous.


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: John 14:13

"And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son."

Supporting Texts:

Matthew 19:26

Mark 9:23

Luke 1:37

Hebrews 11:1

Ephesians 3:20


In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, the miracle-working power of God remains a source of hope and faith. God is not only able to perform miracles; He delights in doing so to demonstrate His love, power, and glory. Throughout the Bible, we see countless instances of God intervening in human affairs, transforming situations, and performing the impossible. This sermon will explore the nature of God as a miracle worker, the conditions for experiencing His miracles, and how we can align ourselves with His miraculous power.


God’s character and ability to perform miracles are rooted in His nature.

a) God Is Sovereign:

As the Creator of the universe, God has authority over all things and can intervene in any situation (Psalm 115:3).

b) God Is Faithful:

His faithfulness assures us that He will act according to His promises and never abandon us in times of need (1 Corinthians 1:9).

c) God Is Compassionate:

His compassion leads Him to perform miracles for those who are suffering and in distress (Matthew 14:14).

d) God Is Omnipotent:

God's unlimited power enables Him to perform miracles that defy natural laws (Jeremiah 32:17).

e) God Is Glorified Through Miracles:

Miracles serve to magnify God's glory and demonstrate His divine nature to the world (John 11:4).

Biblical Example:

Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana is a demonstration of His ability to perform miracles, showing His sovereignty and compassion (John 2:1-11).


While God is sovereign, there are certain conditions that often precede His miraculous interventions.

a) Faith:

Believing in God’s power to perform miracles is essential for receiving them (Matthew 9:29).

b) Obedience:

Following God's instructions and commandments can lead to miraculous outcomes (Deuteronomy 28:1-2).

c) Prayer:

Persistent and fervent prayer invites God's intervention and can unlock His miraculous power (James 5:16).

d) Expectation:

Having an expectant heart prepares us to receive God's miracles in our lives (Hebrews 11:6).

e) Worship:

Worshipping God opens the door for miracles, as it aligns our hearts with His will (Acts 16:25-26).

Biblical Example:

The woman with the issue of blood demonstrated faith by touching Jesus' garment, leading to her healing (Mark 5:25-34).


God's miracles manifest in various forms, each reflecting His power and purpose.

a) Physical Healing:

God heals physical ailments and diseases, restoring health and wholeness (Isaiah 53:5).

b) Provision:

Miracles of provision occur when God meets our needs supernaturally (Philippians 4:19).

c) Deliverance:

God performs miracles of deliverance, freeing individuals from bondage and oppression (Acts 16:25-26).

d) Restoration:

Miracles of restoration bring healing to broken relationships and situations (Joel 2:25).

e) Transformation:

God's miracles can transform hearts and lives, leading to salvation and spiritual renewal (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Biblical Example:

Jesus healing the blind man illustrates God's power to restore physical sight, demonstrating His ability to perform miracles (John 9:1-7).


Miracles serve significant purposes in God's plan and for His people.

a) To Strengthen Faith:

Miracles bolster our faith and trust in God's ability to intervene (John 20:29).

b) To Spread the Gospel:

Miracles often accompany the preaching of the Gospel, drawing people to Christ (Acts 4:30).

c) To Glorify God:

Every miracle points back to God's glory and greatness, reminding us of His sovereignty (Psalm 126:2).

d) To Encourage Others:

Our testimonies of God's miraculous acts can inspire and uplift others in their faith journeys (Revelation 12:11).

e) To Fulfill Prophecy:

God's miracles often fulfill prophecies, demonstrating His sovereignty over history (Isaiah 35:5-6).

Biblical Example:

The resurrection of Lazarus not only displayed Jesus' power over death but also served to glorify God and strengthen the faith of those present (John 11:40-45).


As we recognize God’s power, our response should be one of faith and action.

a) Cultivate a Relationship with God:

Spend time in prayer and the Word to deepen your connection with the miracle-working God (James 4:8).

b) Share Your Testimony:

Proclaim the miracles you have witnessed in your life to encourage others (Psalm 107:2).

c) Remain Faithful in Trials:

Trust in God's miracle-working power even in challenging circumstances (Romans 8:28).

d) Serve Others:

Be a vessel of God’s miracles by serving those in need and sharing His love (Matthew 25:40).

e) Keep Expecting Miracles:

Maintain an attitude of expectation and faith for God’s intervention in your life (Mark 11:24).

Biblical Example:

The early church prayed for boldness and performed miracles that spread the Gospel, showcasing their faith in God's power (Acts 4:29-31).

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