#12 The Holy Spirit Conforms Us Series
Contributed by Ronald Thorington on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A major work of the Holy Spirit is to conform believers into the image of Christ. We are not to comformed to this world but to be comformed by the Spirit.
The Holy Spirit Conforms Us
Scriptures: Romans 8:28-29, 12:2, Ephesians 2:1-3, Jerimiah 18:1-6
I. Being Conformed to the World (Romans 12:2)
A. What does being conformed to the world mean?
1. “Conformed” defined: to be or become similar in form, nature or character
2. “To the world” described: (Ephesians 2:1-3)
a) A state of mind or way of thinking that focuses on what pleases the flesh or the sinful nature.
b) This way of thinking is held by the vast majority.
B. How does the world conform us?
1. Because most are part of the world’s way of living, pressure is put on everyone to conform or be like the majority, to go along with the crowd, to fit in, to belong. Jesus described it as the broad way that many follow
2. Those who conform are rewarded through being:
a) Accepted, liked, praised, made famous or popular
b) Given financial rewards, jobs, promotions, favors
3. Those who do not conform are punished by:
a) Rejection, ridicule, verbal attacks, slandered, defamed
b) Persecution: loss of a job, destruction of property, execution
II. Being Conformed into the Image of Christ (Romans 8:28-29)
A. Be transformed by the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:2)
1. Through the indwelling of the Spirit, radical changes should happen in us
2. We are not to continue allowing ourselves to be conformed to the world
3. We must choose to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to allow Him to transform us
B. Be conformed to the image of Christ
1. This is God’s plan and purpose for us--that we become like Christ
2. We must make becoming like Jesus the ultimate goal of our transformation
To think like Jesus, talk like Jesus, love like Jesus, act like Jesus
III. The Holy Spirit is Our Master Potter (Jeremiah 18:1-6)
A. We are the clay in God’s hands
1. We are the material that God wants to work with to make something beautiful
2. We are raw clay, with a lot of imperfections, rocks, and debris
3. How can God make something glorious out of what we are?
B. The Preparation of the clay
1. The clay must be dried out completely then crushed to a powder
Application: We must come to a place of brokenness where we surrender all to Christ
2. The clay must be sifted, any rocks or debris removed
3. The clay must be soaked in water for several days. We must be saturated with the Holy Spirit.
C. The Processing of the Clay-wedging the clay to make it pliable
Application: we must become pliable in God’s hands by being humble. God can not work with pride
D. Forming the Clay into an object
1. Only after the clay is prepared and processed will it be put on the potter’s wheel
2. The master potter can form a beautiful vessel