
Summary: Part 13 of this series begins to examine the life of Abram and his response to God's calling him into service. It is because Abram knew the Lord's voice that he was able to respond, which is exactly the same way we should be living today.

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Discovering Genesis, Part 13

Genesis 12:1-9


- This morning we examined the people of Babel; and their rebellion to God

- Prayerfully, we also saw the challenge in ourselves as well through them

- Our response to God is most important when we think of worship

- It is because of the Holy Spirit that we have grace and unity in Christ

- The Kingdom opportunities are limitless in our society to serve the Lord

- Our church: SS teachers; more children’s ministry workers; outreach director; and even an evangelism team director

- When we come into this place it must be to serve and worship God

- Our lives are to be about Him; and Him alone … because He is God

- Take an example from our friends at Babel, we cannot assume we are all that

- What we can SAY is that we aren’t dead yet; so we aren’t done serving

- This evening, we are going to begin our study of Abraham and his life

- While we are not going to chapter/verse through his life

- We are going to see several very important aspects of his life

- I’d like to challenge you to see how each of these applies to your life

- As I’ve said throughout this entire study of Genesis (4 months) has been:

- When we confront scripture, it MUST cause a change in our lives

- APP: If we do not study the scriptures for change, why would we bother?

- Go with me to Genesis, Chapter 12, and let’s examine the first chapter

- Read Genesis 12:1-9

- Pray

Point 1 – Hearing and Moving (1-6)

- The end of Genesis 11 shows how Abram came to be Harran

- However, they were initially headed for Canaan; but didn’t go there

- (We discussed this earlier regarding the curse of Noah’s son)

- Along the way, Abram met Sarai whom he married but she was childless

- Gen 11:30 tells us she was unable to conceive; she was barren w/o children

- While living in Harran God spoke to Abram after 75 years of living there

- Now, let’s pick up the story where we are today in the life of Abram

- Recognizing God’s voice

-- Notice that the first thing we see is that God spoke, and Abram heard

-- This is a unique position that we see in the life of Abram; already following God

-- And so, when God spoke; there was an immediate recognition by Abram

-- Challenge: Can you and I say the same? Do we hear/recognize God’s voice?

- What Abram hears though is more than a text message type of translation

- Abram gets the full script and promise of his life revealed to him in 2 sentences

- (v2-3) “I” will do these things; the great “I AM” is responsible and in charge

- The promise here is God saying, “I am in charge, and so I will take care of you”

- Obeying God’s voice to move

-- (v4) So, Abram went because God spoke and gave him instruction

-- Many today might wonder, “So where’s my instruction from God?” (Bible)

- APP: We’ve already been giving our instructions; obedience is a choice

-- It is a choice to obey the Lord fully; and to not do so is also a choice we make

- Abram took all he had and left

-- (v5) Abram took all he had, at the young age of 75, and off he went

-- In tow he has his wife and his nephew, Lot, whom plays into the story later

-- (v6) They left to go to Canaan, and brought everything they owned with them

- This was not a weekend trip; or even a summer journey; it’s life changing

- Take all your possessions, pack up the truck, it’s time to move completely

- We’ve been given this same encouragement to move by Jesus as well

-- Matthew 4:19, “Come, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

- This is not a coincidence, God calls and expects movement from all

- TRANS: Notice the response then of Abram when he obeys and moves

Point 2 – God is Faithful (7-9)

- (v7) God promises to Abram all that his descendants will inherit

-- This is a covenant that God makes with Abram for his obedience

-- Much like Noah found grace in the eyes of God; so did Abram

-- This following; this obedience; this earnest response is our calling as well

- And because of his obedience what did Abram do? Built an altar

-- Just like Noah did when he came out of the Ark; he worshiped the Lord

- (v8) Abram continued to stretch out his tent stakes

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