Why Church #12 The Power To Advance Series
Contributed by Robert Malcolm on Jan 9, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: They faced incredibly hostile conditions together—and they all came out alive together. What a picture of the body of Christ....how we continue to do this is found in our text for today
~ Intro: STAYING WARM TOGETHER. In what the news called "The Miracle at
Quecreek," nine miners trapped for three days 240 feet underground in a water-filled mine shaft "They decided early on they were either going to live or die as a group." The 55 degree (Fahrenheit) water threatened to kill them slowly by hypothermia, so according to one news report "When one would get cold, the other eight would huddle around the person and warm that person, and when another person got cold, the favor was returned."
"Everybody had strong moments," miner Harry B. Mayhugh told reporters after being released from Somerset Hospital. "But any time maybe one guy got down, and then the rest pulled together. And then that guy would get back up, and maybe someone else would feel a little weaker, but it was a team effort. That’s the only way it could have been."
They faced incredibly hostile conditions together—and they all came out alive together. What a picture of the body of Christ....how we continue to do this is found in our text for today Ephesians 6:10…(read text)
1. Are we using God’s means for advancement?(vrs 16-17)
• We can go forward only through faith by protecting our beliefs.
- Remember what Hebrews 11:6 says.
“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”
- Faith extinguishes the doubts the devil attacks us with.
~ To extinguish is to put out, eliminate or kill.
~ Doubt here does not refer to questioning, but immobilizing fear regarding what we believe.
- The shield of faith not only allows us to be safe but to advance with confidence.
~ Picture of roman soldiers using shields.
~ This is one of the things that made the Romans so dominant in the world
• We can go forward by protecting our minds and the way we think.
- The certainty of our salvation and how we received it.
• Finally we must have and be able to use God’s Word.
- Having it isn’t enough as 2 Timothy 2:15 says…
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
- We have enough Bibles sold in the USA for every home to have 3 yet we know that most of those are never used…
- Can we apply God’s Word to our daily lives and conversations?
So these are the tools but having the them isn’t enough. We need to know the way to use them. This brings us to our 2nd point …
2. Are we using God’s method for advancement?(vrs 18-19)
• We are to be a people of prayer.
- This is far more than being people who pray.
- Luke 19:46a “It is written,” he said to them, “ ‘My house will be a house of prayer’…”
- Hudson Taylor…one of the greatest missionaries of the 19th century who went to China said, “When we work, we work, when we pray, God works.”
• We are to be praying always and even use requests when needed.
- This is a great reminder that prayer is so much more than just asking God for stuff.
- Prayer is communicating with God.
~ What has He said to you recently?
• We are given a great example of praying and how it fulfills our final point…
- Paul asked the Ephesians to come alongside in praying for his speaking ministry.
~ A great prayer to pray for any pastor, missionary or minister.
• I want to issue a challenge to us as a church…let us determine to be people of prayer.
- Corporate prayer…Pray for others when God tells you.
- Pray for our service during the service (sign up on prayer room door)
So what is our final point…
3. This power to advance is to fulfill God’s mission and theme for the church.(vrs 21-24)
• Advancing through our mission…
- Loving God through Worship.
- Loving each other through Community.
- Loving the world through Outreach.
• Advancing through this year’s theme, “Identity Determines Destiny & Legacy.”
- One purpose of living out who God says we are.
~ Pray & commission Michelle & CJ
- Visiting and calling those who haven’t been here for a few weeks
- Another reason is to protection.
~ Take another look at the picture of the Roman soldiers
~ Conclusion:
• You can only advance in life if you accept God’s power…
- Accepting what He did and starting a relationship with Him isn’t hard...
~ It’s as simple as the A, B, C’s…