Tongues & Prophecy Part 2 Series
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Tongues & Prophecy Part 2 – sermon by Gordon Curley PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: gcurley@gcurley.info
(1). Prophecy and the Insider (vs 1-19).
• Tongues don’t edify the Church but prophecy does (vs 2-4)
• Tongues don't benefit the hearer without an interpreter, but prophecy benefits everyone (vs 5-15).
• Tongues don't instruct the assembly, but prophecy does (vs 16-19).
(2). Prophecy and the Outsider (vs 20-25).
• The purpose of the gift of tongues (vs 20-22).
• The response to the gift of tongues (vs 23-25).
(3). Principles to follow (vs 26-40).
• The edification principle (vs 26)
• The procedure principle (vs 27a)
• The interpretation principle (vs 27b-28)
• The silence – subjection principle (vs 34-35)
• The dignity principle (vs 36-37)
• Last week I was at a three day evangelists conference;
• One of the speakers there was a vicar called Jonathan Fletcher,
• Who was the vicar of Immanuel Church London.
• He was telling the story of how he sometimes gets things wrong;
• i.e. When the Mel Gibson film ‘The passion of the Christ’ came out in the cinemas;
• His Church decided to do some evangelism;
• By handing out some leaflets to the people coming out of the cinema.
• After a while he had given out all his leaflets;
• So he found another Church member and asked her ‘How many have you given out’
• Her reply was, ‘None, because the film isn’t over yet!’
• He had already given his fifty leaflets away;
• Before it dawned on him that he was giving out leaflets;
• To people who had been to see ‘Scooby Doo 2’!
• The leaflet they got started by saying,
• “If there is anything you did not understand in the film and if you would like further help, then please contact etc.”
• TRANSITION: We all at sometimes get things wrong!
• Classic example is the Church at Corinth!
• They had spiritual gifts in abundance;
• But they got it very wrong when it came to using those gifts!
• And many a Church since then has made the same mistakes.
• Last week we spent our timing defining the terms ‘tongues and prophesy’.
• If you were not here, then do listen to the talk which is available on the website.
• For the sake of time we are not coving that ground again.
• This morning we are carrying on the outworking of tongues and prophesy.
• In a local Church setting.
• We will look at this Church in Corinth and the instructions given to them.
Note: I also shared 4 principles last week that I want to remind you of:
• First: We are studying 1st Corinthians, not just tongues and prophesy.
• So do not expect every question answered on tongues and prophesy.
• Second: The main subject of chapters 12-14 is spiritual gifts
• And not just tongues and prophesy – do not miss out on the bigger picture.
• That is why this chapter is part of a section starting at chapter 12 finishing in verse 40.
• Third: Paul addresses chapter 14 to a local church, not an individual.
• So these instructions apply to a local Church setting.
• Not to somebody speaking in tongues in their own home or their private devotions.
• Fourth: the apostle Paul is primarily writing to correct a problem.
• That is why tongues and prophesy are emphasised more than the other gifts.
• Paul wants to correct a problem in the Corinthian church,
• He is not primarily writing to elevate the gift of tongues and prophecy.
• He wants to correct a problem that was dominating this Church at Corinth.
• The main point of this chapter is that prophecy is superior to tongues
• Verse 1 the apostle writes:
• “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy”
• This first section of chapter 14 divides into two parts;
• Verses 1-19 and verses 20-25.
• In these two parts the apostle talks about tongues and prophecy to two types of people.
FIRST: Prophecy and the Insider (vs 1-19).
• The apostle Paul first writes to ‘insiders’;
• That is believers who belonged to the church.
• Christians who were ‘in fellowship’ (members) of a local Church.
• Sign on a Church notice board.
• “When you were born, your mother brought you to church.
• When you were married, your wife brought you to church.
• When you die, your friends will bring you to church.
• Why not try coming on your own sometime”.
• TRANSITION: This letter (1st Corinthians) was not written to Church goers;
• But to the Church! Those on the inside.
• The term ‘Church’ inside does not mean the inside of four walls of a building;