Thy Kingdom Come Series
Contributed by Martin Holland on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In the model prayer we are told by our Lord to pray for the kingdom to come and in Revelation chapter 20 we see the establishing of the kingdom.
Thy Kingdom Come
Revelation 20:1-6
In these first 6 verses the term “A Thousand Years” is used in which we call a millennial. This is when the Lord will come and reign upon the earth from the throne of David in Jerusalem.
Mention: Matt. 6:9-10 Thy kingdom come…we are told to pray for in the model prayer.
See: John 18:36 but now is My kingdom is not from hence Jesus says to Pilate speaking of a future date.
What will this Millennial Reign be like?
1. The Absence of Satan
See: Rev. 20:1-3
• The Detainer
Vs.1 A angel come down from heaven having the keys to the bottomless pit…
Point: I believe this angel is a reference to the Lord Jesus Christ who will detain Satan because it is he that cast the beast and false prophet into the lake of fire. Rev. 19:20
See: Jude 9 We see Michael the arch angel who dare not bring against Satan any railing accusation.
• The Absence of Deception
Vs.2 That he deceive the nation no more
2. The Authority of the Savior and Saints
Vs.4 And they that lived reigned with Christ a thousand years
See: 2 Tim. 2:11-12 We shall also reign with Him Paul tells Timothy
See: Isaiah 9:6-7 The Lord establishing his kingdom
See: Isaiah 65:17-25 There will be those during this millennial reign that will be clothed in flesh and others in their glorified bodies.
Vs.25 There will be no more killing and everyone will be vegetarians. There will be absolute peace as it was in the Garden of Eden.
Mention: Isaiah 11:6-9 A child will play with snakes and be not harmed
Mention: Matt. 25:20-21 Here the Lord is rewarding the faithful saints and will one day give them rule of certain things during the millennial reign.
See: Zechariah 8:1-3, 20-23 The LORD will reign from Jerusalem on the Temple Mount
3. The Resurrection Sequence
See: Rev. 20:5-6 We see the mentioning of the first resurrection
See: Daniel 12:2 This is one of the few places in the Old Testament we see the mentioning of a resurrection
See: John 5:25-29 Here again we see our Lord speaking concerning a resurrection
Now up to this point it appears that this event of the resurrection happens together but the phrase first resurrection separates the two events of resurrections.
The phrase first resurrection is only referring to believers and not exclusive to the same time period meaning that whether at the rapture or death during the tribulation period it is all considered to be the first resurrection.
Resurrection: To be raised or stood up (And it this case referring to from death)
Mention: Job 14:1-2, 5, 10-14 Here Job of old speak concerning the resurrection
Then: Job 19:23-27 Here Job again confirms the resurrection of the dead
Key: Vs.5 tells us the rest of the dead lived not again until a thousand years were finished
See: Hebrews 9:27 it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment
Mention: Rev. 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection on such is no second death.
Not only is there a first death, but also a second death we are told which is a spiritual death of everlasting torment in the lake of fire.
Question: Which resurrection will you be a part of?