Rejoice Series
Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jul 29, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: We are justified through faith which brought peace with God. God hated the sinners and he had determined to punish them eternally. With the intervention and propitiation of Jesus Christ, we are redeemed and reconciled with God.
Romans 5:1-11 We rejoice
Romans 5:1-2 We rejoice in Highest Hope
We are justified through faith which brought peace with God. God hated the sinners and he had determined to punish them eternally. With the intervention and propitiation of Jesus Christ, we are redeemed and reconciled with God. So, we rejoice in the highest hope of sharing the glory of God. This is the food for thought for all true seekers who desire peace of heart and mind. Whoever comes to the Lord Jesus Christ with a sincere confession of his sins receives pardon from God. The forgiveness of sins assures eternal life and sonship to everyone. Every person was found with original Sin and became an enemy of God, though we may claim that we never fought with God yet we are enemies of God because of sinful nature. We have obtained grace and stand on it. We got back the peace with God through Jesus Christ which Adam had lost at Garden of Eden
Romans 5:3-4 We rejoice in our sufferings
The full gospel has peace and suffering. We have thorn before the throne, crucifixion before glorification. Jesus confirmed that we will have tribulations on the earth (John 16:33, Romans 8:36, and Revelation 3:21). There is a saying ‘it’s hard to be a Christian in Rome’. Paul writes the series of Christian qualities: suffering produces perseverance, perseverance produces character, character produces hope and the hope is assured through the spirit of God who indwells in all of us. Christians are living with pressures of needs, sorrows, persecution, and loneliness. Therefore, we read that nothing shall separate us from the Love of God (Romans 8:35-39). The spirit of God helps us to overcome the world and its desires. The afflictions make people battle the enemy and help to draw near to God and keep purer. More testing through the furnace makes the metal stronger. So, rejoice over sufferings.
Romans 5:5-11 We rejoice in God
God is supreme, unseen, Holy God wants to dwell in humanity, in flesh. Even the angels couldn’t see the face of God because God lives in the light of the lights. Christ opened the door for us to see the Father through grace. If somebody known to you recommends helping your enemy to reconcile it would be good, likewise Jesus Christ has become a bridge between us and God the Father. The final proof of God’s love is endorsed with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all those who accepted him. The lost relationship between men and God is rectified by the cross. Our hope doesn’t disappoint us because the holy spirit is given to us. The son of God became the bridge between Man and Father, the Almighty. Jesus did not come to show God’s attitude of anger, but love which endures forever. Jesus at the right time came to the world. We were weak and no one was qualified to die, no one was good and no one was righteous. The death of Christ has changed our status in life. We must rejoice in the Lord, must boast in him and in His glory. He is the Lord and God of all. We are reconciled with God through Christ.
1. Are you sure that you live with the highest hope?
2. How do you face the sufferings and lessons you learned?
3. Why do we need to boast in God and how to continue?
(For series in the studies of Romans, please refer this site)