It’s Time To Grow Up Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Peter gives us some straight-forward advice about living for Christ by removing the things which put us in opposition of one another. He also reminds us of our spiritual birth, and shows us that it's time to grow up and move onto maturity in Christ!
“It’s time to grow up”
1 Peter Sermon Series, Part 4
1 Peter 2:1-3
- (v22) THEREFORE! … We have been purified by obeying the truth
-- We’ve cast off the things we desire to fully accept what He has for us
-- Why? Because of our sincere love for the Father we love one another!
-- APP: “Love God, Love People”
-- We have been granted an imperishable gift – one that never goes away
-- Why? Why would we be purchased and desire this imperishable gift?
- v24-25, “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.”
- We are perishable, we are not eternal, and we will one day die and be gone
-- This is a fact, it is does not change, and our belief in it is not required
-- Just like the flowers come and go – we are compared as being the same
- But, something does remain and it remains for all of eternity … Word of God
-- John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
- Why does this matter? v25b, “And this is the word that was preached to you.”
-- APP: It has already been preached and already been given to us
- So, how does this apply to what we need to be doing, TODAY?
- Read 1 Peter 2:1-3
∆ Point 1 – Remove the Wickedness
- Commanded to rid ourselves of 5 specific behaviors of life today
-- When you see what these all mean, something interesting unfolds for us
1. Malice, GR: “kakian” – evil, wickedness
2. Deceit, GR: “dolon” – guile, treachery
3. Hypocrisy, GR: “hypokriseis” – play acting, acting out
4. Envy, GR: “phthonous” – jealousy
5. Slander, GR: “katalalias” – evil-speaking, backbiting
- Something interesting to note about all 5 of these attributes:
-- They all involved us judging others; not one of them exalts Christ
-- Every one of these attributes sets us in direct opposition to one another
-- Therefore, “Love God, Love People” isn’t even possible with these
- Peter writes to the church to remove ourselves from acting this way
-- To be un-self-absorbed; to promote one another; to un-exalt ourselves
- What Peter reminds the church of, again, is … “It ain’t about us!”
-- 1 Peter 1:22, “Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.”
- Now, right before we start thinking of someone who should be hearing this …
-- STOP! This is not written for “someone else”: it is written for you and I
- Remember, God never once asked us to pre-judged one another before He does
-- We are called to love; to lift up; and in the process to glorify Christ
- TRANS: How? Peter reminds us of this very specifically; speaks of our birth
∆ Point 2 – Remember when …
- Peter asks us to remember when we were spiritual babies (v2a)
-- At one time, you were an infant in the Word of God and we should live
-- Sure, we all like to think we have arrived; but that’s the pride of sin
-- APP: We never stop learning; once we do, we begin to die … spiritual
- A spiritual death is FAR greater than the physical one
-- It is where we tell God we’ve learned all we need and do not need Him
-- Again, don’t start thinking of some who should be hearing this; it’s for us
- Consider your own spiritual birth; the few days following your salvation
-- Remember how we craved the nourishment of the Word?
-- Remember how it fed and comforted us when we needed it?
-- Remember when we cried out to God and His peace comforted us?
-- Challenge: So when did it become routine, stagnant, and “old hat”?
- Some need to be reminded of their birth; reminded of what God has done
-- Dare I say: Some may even to recommit to following Christ … again!
-- Why? Because we’ve drifted and we’ve turned off the things of God
- We’ve turned away from who God is, to focus on who we think we are
-- James 4:14, “Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.”
- Passages like this are not fun to preach; because they mean everything to us
-- They are a spiritual thermometer; a doorway into the places God wants to be