
Summary: Apostle Paul confirms his calling to be an Apostle with great assurance and confidence. Though he equals himself with other Apostles who were with Christ. Yet he understood his calling was to be an apostle. He says Jesus was Son of man - Kata Sarxa and Son of God - Kata Pneuma.

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Theme: Three Calls

Text: Romans 01:01-07

CALL TO BE SENT - Apostolic call Romans 01:1-4

Wesley says: “While God calls, he makes what he calls. Jewish teachers disputed his claim to the apostolic office, with great propriety he asserts and overthrows their principles are entire”.

Apostle is a delegate, messenger or one who sent forth with orders. Apostolic call was meant to be separated, to be set apart, to be sent out, to preach the Gospel or to proclaim salvation to all. It is a knock-on effect. The kerygma is their purpose. He understood that he was sent with a commission. Paul puts himself as equivalent to a Bond-Servant, or Doulos. He had a very strong conviction about his call as an apostle to his conscience. The call was to suffer, to face difficulties, to be humiliated, to be illiterate and finally to be crucified. Hitherto, Paul lived a holy, righteous and blameless life (1 Thessalonians. 1:10-11).

Paul means LITTLE man but he was given a great task to reach the nations, to reach the end of the world. He was not comparing his comforts, his respects, his strength and weaknesses with others because he was not confused with his calling, because he was not comparing his calling with others calling.

Paul understood that Peter was called to preach among the Jews and to lead the band of disciples at Jerusalem. Paul understood that he was not called to be a Presbyter or Papal or Episcopal but to be an apostle. He was called means, he was appointed, constituted for a confidential errand. He was designated for business or for a specific work of preaching the Gospel of Christ. Paul was a Pharisee (separatist) nevertheless he further separated for a purpose (Leviticus 20:26, Acts 13:2).

According to Wesley: “Separated By God means from the bulk of other men, from other Jews, from other disciples, from other Christian teachers”.

He was convinced very strongly that the Gospel which he has to preach was manifested in Jesus Christ. That Gospel was per-told and came into a reality in the person of Jesus Christ. He talks about the Kata Sarka (Sarx-flesh) and Kata Pneuma. Jesus was a Son of Man as a descendant of David by Human nature and the Son of God by divine nature through resurrection.

Apostles were infallible teachers of God's word, being inspired in the highest sense of that word, their infallibility being attested by the signs and miracles that accompanied their preaching (Mark 16:20). Peter raised the dead to life again (Acts 9:41); Paul suffered no hurt from the vicious bite of a deadly viper (Acts 28:5), and many other signs and miracles were wrought by them and all the apostles. They could convey the gift of the Holy Spirit, through the laying on of their hands.

Moses was called to be sent to meet Pharaoh. David was called to win Goliath. Gideon was called to meet Midianites. Paul was called to meet persecutors, kings and rulers, and governors. Jeremiah was called to speak against the unrighteousness and apostasy of the kings of Judah and Israel. Elijah was called to condemn the illegal activities of Ahab and Jezebel.

CALL TO OBEDIENCE – Salvation call. Romans 01:5-6

All of us are having a primary call to accept Jesus Christ. We are called to acknowledge the grace of God, accept freely available salvation.

Turn to me. Isaiah 45:22

Come to me. Isaiah 55:1, John 7:37

Call on me. Romans 10:12

Come, come, come. Revelation 22:7

Obedience is the first requirement for any future steps, endeavours and for any promotions. The first SIN was disobedience followed by disbelief followed by the rebellion of Adam and Eve. Adam disobeyed, Adam, pleased wife by displeasing God (Romans 5:19). He lost the Garden of Eden.

Moses disobeyed God, he was asked to speak but he spoke with a fit of anger and beaten the rock, beaten Jesus Christ, crucified Christ so he was forbidden to enter into Canaan.

Saul disobeyed. God was annoyed over him and removed his crown, his kingdom, his generation lost the glories of God. Every violation and disobedience will receive the punishment (1 Timothy 1:9, Hebrews 2:2). An Obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22).

So, Peter and apostles said, “we must obey God”(Acts 5:29). Paul says that I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven or heavenly call (Acts 26:19). David obeyed the command of God (1 Kings 3:14).

CALL TO BE SAINTS. Romans 01: 7

Sacred were the things which were kept in the temple, such as, utensils, garments, tables and chairs and priests. They separated men have to have different pursuits, objects, goals and targets in life. Morally sacred and ceremonially sacred are two things.

We become saints by believing the Gospel and receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We are called saints, holy one. "Called" declares the emotion formulating itself into gracious action. "Saints" describes the result of emotion and action. "Called saints," saints in profession; it was well if all that are called saints were saints indeed. A saint is simply a sanctified person; one who is sanctified by the Holy Spirit of God. All those who believe in him, all those who are washed by his blood by faith. They will be called saints.

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