
Summary: We look at a synopsis of the tribulation that occurs on earth after the Second Coming of Jesus Christ & end with the overview of the Revelation in this message with the good news of our Millennial reign with Christ, the New Jerusalem & eternity with Jesus

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James O. Davis is the founder and president of Second Billion (TM). You are invited to learn more about Second Billion by visiting

In this message, we look at a synopsis of the tribulation that occurs on earth after the saints are taken to heaven at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in the air. We will end the overview of the Book of Revelation in this message with the good news of our Millennial reign with Christ, the New Jerusalem and eternity with Jesus.

The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ is often called the apocalypse, the transliteration of the Greek word translated “revelation.” It is a word that carries the idea of an “unveiling.” In this book is the unveiling of the Person of Christ and of the purposes of God. The Holy Spirit brings us repeated views of Jesus in His glory, and sets before us clear pictures of God’s impending purposes for both the human race and this planet on which we live.

The Book of Revelation contains 285 direct and indirect quotes from the Old Testament, more than any other book of the New Testament. Matthew, which has a strong Jewish flavor, has 92 references to the Old Testament. Hebrews, which was written for the Jews, has 102 references.

This preoccupation with the Old Testament is significant. It suggests that the Book of Revelation anticipates a time when God will deal primarily with Jews and Gentiles as the Church is no longer here. This truth is endorsed by the Book itself because, after chapter three, there is no further direct reference to the Church until the closing remarks in the last chapter, verse 16.

Much can be said about the structure of Revelation. One evident fact is that it seems to alternate between scenes in heaven and earth. The structure is complicated by the fact that its basic chronological sequence of events is constantly interrupted by parenthetical passages that provide comments on the action described in the chronological segments of the Book. Remember, when interpreting the Book of Revelation, the context always determines the interpretation.

Before we proceed further, let me give you the overall plan of the Book of Revelation. It can be divided as follows:

Part I

I. The Introduction the Book (Rev. 1:1-3)

II. The Visions of God (Rev. 1:4-20)

III. The Visions of Grace (Rev. 2:1 -- 3:22)

IV. The Visions of Government (Rev. 4:1 -- 20:15)

A) The Hallelujahs in Heaven (Rev. 4:1 -- 5:14)

B) The Horrors on Earth (Rev. 6:1 -- 20:15)

1) The seals—a world ruined by men

Part II

2) The trumpets—a world ruled by Satan

The Three Capital Cities

The Two Witnesses

The Believing Jewish Remnant

The Two Beasts

The Scene Back in Heaven

Part III

3) The vials—a World Rescued by God.

The Two Babylons

The Scarlet Woman

The Antichrist

The Fallen Babylon

Events in Heaven

V. The Visions of Glory (Rev. 21:1 -- 22:7)

VI. The Conclusion of the Book (Rev. 22:8-21)


Blessing and benediction (1:1-3) -- The visions of the apocalypse were given to John when he was a prisoner on Patmos, a small island off the coast of Asia Minor (Turkey). Before him lay the mainland and thriving churches in a dozen cities of the empire. To the west lay Rome; to the east the Holy Land, the Euphrates and Babylon. The Book was addressed to seven chosen churches in Asia Minor and begins with a blessing and a benediction.

II. THE VISIONS OF GOD (Rev. 1:4-20)

The endurance of grace (1:4-20) -- In verse 4, John records, “Grace be unto you and peace.” How like God to begin a book which deals with the most appalling of judgments with grace and peace. God begins this book by saying that even in the hour of wrath He remembers His mercy and that the people can have what they don’t deserve—grace. Yes, grace and peace win at last. In the end, the storm clouds roll away. The drums of war are stilled. The earth is purged with fire and there emerges a new Heaven and a new earth where all is grace and peace.


Chapters two and three deal with the seven churches of Asia Minor to whom John was writing about all that was going to happen in the future.

Ephesus, the church that lost its first love (2:1-7).

Smyrna, the church of longsuffering (2:8-11).

Pergamos, the church that was lax (2:12-17).

Thyatira, the church of the libertines (2:18-29).

Sardis, the lifeless church (3:1-6).

Philadelphia, the church of loyalty (3:7-13).

Laodicea, the lukewarm church (3:14-22).


A) The hallelujahs of heaven (4:1 -- 5:14) -- Chapters four and five deal primarily with the visions of the Lamb of God. The magnificent scenes in these two chapters are set in Heaven and form the prelude to the judgments about to break upon the world. No where else in the Bible is there a greater emphasis about the Throne of God. It is mentioned seventeen times in these two short chapters.

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