The Room Prepared For Her! (Funeral Message) Series
Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A short funeral message for an Elderly Lady whose life was one of service to the Lord.
( ) was a woman whose life reflected her belief and whose work reflected the service of Jesus her saviour. She was a person who did not put great stock on physical things but who trusted in God, who knew the Holy Spirit at work in her life and gave her life in service to God. She knew Jesus as; ”The way, The truth and The life,” In ( ) life was seen a picture of what someone described to me when they were recounting her years of service to the Christian Church, and to the less fortunate that she helped along the way – living her life; being Jesus hands and feet in their lives as “a real saintly lady.”
The disciple Phillip in the passage from John fourteen says these words to Jesus, “Lord, show us the Father and we will be satisfied.”
Jesus replies “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father! So why are you asking to see him?
Further on in the passage Jesus says “the truth is, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.
In ( ) life we saw something of Jesus, we saw the love and compassion of Christ in her commitment and service to her God, and we saw something of her sessional name The Peacemakers.
This life of service that ( ) lived was one in which she carried out the work that Jesus did here on earth helping the lost, the last and the least.
We can’t even begin to imagine the lives that Jesus touched along the way through ( ) humble service. God alone knows.
I have an idea that right now at the throne of Grace where our heavenly Father is seated and where Jesus is normally seated at the right hand of his Father. (This might be a stretch theologically) That Jesus is currently out of his seat and showing ( ) the room that he has prepared for her, for he has every thing ready for her there.
We who are left here can celebrate because ( ) was someone who answered the call on her life, who followed the example of her saviour and the saints who went before her.
Her life is an example of true dedicated Christian service and that should be a challenge to us all, that our lives will be seen in the same way. – Jesus said that “the work of the Son brings glory to the Father”. Now ( ) would have said “don’t make a fuss” because her life of ministry was not about bringing glory to herself, but about bringing glory to the God she so humbly served. So surely the most fitting tribute we can make to her life is to follow her example as we honour and serve Jesus our Risen Saviour.
May you go from here happy in the knowledge of a life well lived,
Embracing your memories of a bold soldier, of a good friend,
Rejoicing in the God who gave her life and called her to serve, and in whose presence she now stands,
In Jesus name Amen.