
Summary: Paul demonstrates that God's justice is clear, and because of God's just nature he writes that our faith in Christ is what allows us to fulfill the Law. Apart from accepting the salvation offered by Jesus through God's grace, we can never fulfill the Law

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Romans, Part 10

Romans 3:25-31


- This morning we saw a challenge issued to men to be willing to serve God totally

- We heard about the need to go and tell, explaining that it because of Rom 3:23

- All have sinned, and there are none righteous who can escape God’s judgment

- It is because of the need for a Savior (Chap 1-3) that Jesus was sent to die

- Because of this great calling we have; because of this responsibility – we must:

-- Stand strong on the Word of the Lord

-- Be willing to show others who Jesus is to us

-- Devote our lives to the cause of Christ; for it is to Him we owe

- When we consider the cost of Christ’s life; can we say that we are 100% faithful?

- When we think of what God has done for us, how does it move us to respond?

- Stand and read Romans 3:25-31 / Pray

Point 1 – God’s Justice is Clear (25- 28)

- APP: When God passed over the sins of humanity it is not because He is no longer concerned with our sin or with the sins that you and I commit daily

- Because of Jesus’ death, two things were abundantly clear about God:

-- 1. God is a God of JUSTICE

-- 2. God justifies – makes right – those who have faith in Christ

- God brings a death sentence upon all because of the sin in our lives

- But, he transfers that sentence of death to His Son, who is without sin

- Jesus became the atonement for the death that you and I deserved (Rom 3:23)

- We must understand that the punishment of Christ was BECAUSE we sinned

- It is not God saying that He is now indifferent to our sin; just the opposite

- Ecclesiastes 8:11 says, “When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people’s hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong.”

- God’s understanding of this principle meant that punishment MUST be executed

- No sin is EVER absolved with God unless blood has been shed!

- There must be the shedding of blood for the remission of OUR sin with God

- Hebrews 9:22 says, “In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”

- Those who imagine in this life have kept God’s Law tend to be very prideful

-- These people tend to stuff their chests out and consider themselves above all

-- Remember in the early part of Chapter 3 we discussed knowledge = pride

- APP: When GRACE is understood, pride falls by the wayside in comparison

- This is the key principle to Christianity and where we must have 100% grasping

- It is through FAITH that we receive, which sets us APART from the Law

- No longer are under the Law of God, but GRACE becomes our life’s leader

- TRANS: So you might ask, “On what assurance do I have this?”

Point 2 – God’s Affirmation (29-31)

- If ever in a conversation with someone who questions how many God’s there are,

Paul writes very clearly (to the Gentiles) that there is only ONE God

- Deut 6:4, “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.”

- He is the God of all – not just the Jews – but of the Gentiles as well

- He is the One who spoke creation into existence

- He is the One who has given us life; the very breath in our lungs

- He is the One who gave us dominion over all that He created

- He is the One, who even in OUR depravity, justifies us through His Son’s death

- He is the One who we will answer to and to whom we owe our very lives

- However, the application is simple … we MUST accept Christ’s sacrifice for us

- APP: It begins with this acceptance; it doesn’t END with it!

- But, there is one more important aspect that we must grasp here …

- The matter of faith comes to mind so often that we must keep its perspective right

- Paul asks if the principle of faith then robs the Law of its place in God’s eyes

- The answer is a resounding “NO!”

- Paul says, “Not at all!” (KJV: “God forbid!”)

- Faith puts the Law into its proper place; allows us to see the Law and thank God

- BIG APP: Faith is what allows US to fulfill the obligations of the Law!

-- Remember that the shedding of blood is required to fulfill; Jesus shed blood!

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