
Summary: Exposition of Isaiah 60

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Isaiah 60

A New Day

Glorious Light vs. 1-3

Treasures to Come vs. 4-13

A New Future vs. 15-22


Isaiah is trying to bring Israel into Revival

Today he gives us a light at the end of the tunnel, a new day that Christ will usher in

This new day will be his millennial reign

A 1000 year period of peace on earth

Those who follow Christ will reign with him from Jerusalem

It will be a new day

One of the best things about camping is the mornings

Something about being out in nature sitting in your chair watching the sun come up

You really get a sense of God’s majesty and power

Lamentations says that His mercies are new every morning

Out camping a new day really is a new day

There is that briskness that tells you somethings new

God can truly bring a new day into our lives

Eventually there will be a new day on this earth where Christ comes to reign on earth

There will be no more sun but the Glory of Jesus will illuminate the earth

All death, sorrow, and pain will be taken away and new life will rise

Todays passage carries us out of today’s world of fanatical terrorists, dysfunctional schools, inoperable cancer and broken promises into a future age of worldwide happiness in Christ.

Are you aware that the Bible records many prophecies of a day when the gospel will wash over the whole world under an outpouring of the Holy Spirit?

God has committed himself to the future of this world, his grace will triumph permanently

There is a new day coming and as Christians we need to realize it’s getting closer and closer

Read Isaiah 60:1-3


“Arise and shine!” is God’s “wake-up call” to Jerusalem, because a new day is dawning for Israel.

This light is not from the sun but from the glory of God shining on the city.

God’s glory had once dwelt in the tabernacle, only to depart because of Israel’s sin.

God’s glory then came into the temple, but it departed when the nation turned to idols.

The glory came to Israel in the person of Jesus Christ, but the nation nailed that glory to a cross.

Today, The Babylonian Captivity had been the nation’s darkest hour, but that was not the darkness Isaiah was describing.

He was describing the awful darkness that will cover the earth during the Day of the Lord, when God punishes the nations of the earth for their sins.

But the prophet is also describing the glorious light that will come to Israel when her Messiah returns to reign in Jerusalem.

Then “the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea”.

Israel’s sons and daughters will come home again, and all of them will know the Lord.

God is going to bring a new day to this earth

But he can also bring a new day into your life in the midst of darkness

Glorious Light vs. 1-3

God tell us to arise

The light doesn’t come from within us but from God

Vs. 1 The Glory of the Lord is Upon You

After the thick and desperate darkness described in Isaiah 59:9-10, this is the glorious rescue from the Redeemer.

Light has come - so God tells His people to respond to it, and to arise and shine!

Darkness is for lying down; light is for rising up.

Darkness is for gloom and sleep; light is for shining.

When the light has come, we must respond, and arise, shine!

Mal 4:2 But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall.

First, we receive God’s light (your light has come), and then we have a service to put forth (arise, shine).

You can’t shine until your light has come, but once it has come, there is something wrong if you don’t arise and shine!

This is no earthly light; this is light that emanates from the glory of the LORD.

This is like the light of Jesus in the Transfiguration, when His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light (Matthew 17:2).

Sometimes harsh, bright light can be disturbing or uncomfortable - but not this warm, wonderful light that pulsates from the glory of the LORD.

Let’s walk and reflect the light of Christ

Vs. 2-3 Nations will come to You

When the LORD lifts up His glorious light over Israel, the Gentiles nations shall see it and be attracted to the light.

Even kings will be attracted to the brightness of Israel’s rising.

This will be ultimately fulfilled in the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus, when Israel is lifted up among all nations.

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