A Faith That Leaps Series
Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: As Habakkuk accepts God’s righteous judgment he finds the incredible grace gift of faith that causes him to rejoice & rise to new places of faith & strength. In accepting the fearful, challenging Word of God, he found grace to soar above circumstances
HABAKKUK 3:18-19
A FAITH THAT LEAPS / The Leaping of Faith
[Lamentations 3:20-26]
Habakkuk has placed his faith in his God of Grace and Glory not only for the survival of his nation but for his personal existence and well being also. Judah was an agrarian economy. She derived most of her substance from crops such as figs, grapes, olives, and other produce of the field as well as livestock such as herds of cattle, and flocks of sheep and goats. Even though these sources of substance might fail Habakkuk sees that ultimately his existence is not based on them, but upon their source, YAHWEH. He is the covenant God who keeps His promises with His people. In periods of affliction He proves Himself Savior of His covenant people (3:13; Ex. 15:1-2; 2 Sam. 22:3; Ps. 18:2,46; Mic. 7:7).
So as Habakkuk accepts God’s righteous judgment that shook him up in the core of his being he finds the incredible grace gift of faith that causes him to rejoice and rise to new places of faith and strength. In accepting the fearful, challenging Word of God, he found grace to soar above circumstances and to stand on God’s high places. My prayer is that you will too.
Despite the coming judgment and the suffering it will bring, Habakkuk’s faith in God has been strengthen and He inherits a joy that is beyond human logic. Verse 18 moves us from the fearful impact of God’s word (16) and possible deprivation (17) to triumph, joy, and faith. A journey God would have us take with Habakkuk. "Yet I will exult in the Lord. I will rejoice in the God of my salvation."
The impact of the word upon Habakkuk demonstrated in verse 16 develops its intended outcome here. Habakkuk affirmed that even in times of starvation and loss, he would still rejoice in the Lord. He and other good people are going to suffer hardship because of God’s judgment on the wick. But he believes that God is good and that no matter how bad life is, God is worthy of praise for He is the source of hope and joy. Rejoicing in such times happens by faith. Habakkuk’s feelings were not controlled by the events around him but by faith in God. He did not state that he would merely endure in the time of distress. He said he would exult and rejoice in the God of his salvation. It was in God and his experiencing Him as Savior and trusting in His sovereignty that brought about this joyful inner disposition that found outward expression in praise.
We don’t like bad times, but we have to believe that God knows about us, and that somehow He will use our bad times to better our lives. He’ll conform us into the image of Christ through them. As we go through the agony and pain of whatever you have to go through, remember that God is in control. There will come a time when God will bring you through it. You will begin to see why He allowed it to happen in the first place. But in faith we’ve got to be willing to go through the agony.
In the midst of it, we can rejoice. The Hebrew behind "exult" means to visibly show to all that regardless of how bad your circumstances are, you have chosen to trust God. They see it on your face. They hear it out of your mouth. They don’t hear you complaining or. murmuring. They hear you saying, "I am trusting in the God of my salvation."
That is living on a high place. A proud person can’t live on the high places. A proud person won’t do that because he doesn’t believe that there is a God who really is in control.
Habakkuk’s rejoicing was grounded in and sprung from his deep relationship with God. Though all else be stripped away and stripped from him he can never be deprived of his covenant keeping God. Hear him claim God as his God that brings him personal deliverance by declaring Him the God of my salvation. The intimacy of relationship is sure and solid, based on the eternal covenant promises of God, rather than on emotion or passing fad or whim.
[But, there is one more thing about waiting: attitude. "I will rejoice in the God of my salvation" the prophet insists. Psalm 40 says: "I was in the pit, and I cried out. God heard my cry, brought me out, put my feet on the rock and gave me a new song in my heart." That’s what God wants to do in your life.]
What desolation the Babylonians were to carry out, but what consolation God grants His servants to carry them through. Not only will they have calm in the hour of trial but joy in spite of all the desolations of the land. This is one of the most forceful manifestations of faith’s power recorded in the Bible.