
Summary: true worship continues when we are feeling –ve, worship continues when when we need to give up something in life especially something that is important and dear to us.

Worship :

Worship is about our RS with God:

1. You identify your ROADBLOCKS

2. Get rid of your EXCUSES

3. Don’t hide your PAIN

4. Express faith and experience the miracles of FORGIVENESS

4. Express faith and experience the miracles of FORGIVENESS

Worship is about our lifestyle:

1. True worship is not about GETTING but GIVING

2. True worship is not about SINGING but SURRENDER

3. True worship is not about PEOPLE but the PRESENCE OF GOD

4. True worship is not about FEELING but FAITH

The highest form of worship:

If we don’t have the last 2 weeks ingredient in us, we can never live out this kind of form of worship:

I believe this is the most difficult form of worship

1. Worship is praising God EVEN in the hard time

Paul-Acts 16:25-26


Hanna- 1 Samuel 1:10

David- Psalm 54:4-6


Who leaves God when hard times come?

Jesus’ disciples

Share the thorn story…

2. Worship that drives away guilt

-Mary Magdeline- Mark 14

-Many times our guilt drives us from worshipping God.

-Where there the spirit of god there is FREEDOM!!

Who has guilt and drives them away from worship God?



Adam and Eve-

3. Worship that cost a great sacrifice

Abraham-Gen 22

Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego-Dan 3

Mary Magdeline- Mark 14


1. When was a hard time in your life and you still chooses to worship Jesus? Share …

2. Which story in the bible shows that and you are blessed?

3. When was the time in your life you felt guilt and you wanted to run away from God? Share how you feel..and what brings you back..

4. What sacrifice do you think you have made to worship Jesus?

5. How would you define true friendship?


-I believe this is the hardest form of worship. The changes in the world cuase people to live easy life. People easily quite in difficult time.

-Did you realize the 3 points that I shared today is –ve?

People don’t like hard time, crisis, people don’t like feeling guilty and sinful, more than that people doesn’t like to give up, people like to Lord over.

-But true worship continues when we are in hard time, true worship continues when we are feeling –ve, worship continues when when we need to give up something in life especially something that is important and dear to us.

-I was pondering on this topic as I bring myself through this month of worship. Thinking what is true worship to me. Asking God to teach me, to show me revelation.

-And this thought came to me as I was pondering on this 3 points that I shared to you today.

-It will only have 2 outcome, when all this things come to you.

-Continue to love Jesus, or leave Jesus.

-recently, one young man told me this….”wincci you will never understand how I feel, God took away the important thing in my life again and again, now you want me to worship him? That’s impossible, I cant do that”

-Friends, I realize you either love Him even more, hold on to Him even more or you will leave Him.

-And the point is this: important:

If from the very beginning your attitude is, worship God is about getting something that you want from God. Wanting God to do things that you like in your life, or Worship Him because you LOVE Him and you just want to give Him. Worship Him because of who He is and not what you get. This 2 attitude will truly show when you faces crisis in life.

Have you heard about this kind of prayer before?

“God, I’m your children, you can not let me “ci ku”, and I believe in you, …”

Joh 16:33 I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world."

The word of God says those who follow Jesus will have a tough life, today you still have a choice whether you want to follow Jesus. So, don’t be shock when you faces difficulties in life, Jesus has already warn us, but He has given us a promise, that he will be with us, and He has overcome the world.

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