Why Jesus Volunteered To Die For You Series
Contributed by Perry Fowler on Mar 18, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: In John 10: 17 we hear Jesus say: “....I lay down my life---only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own accord.” Jesus was not a victim; He was a volunteer. Why did He volunteer to die for you?
America is filled with volunteers. Did you know that every year 60.7 million adults volunteer which means 23.2 % of Americans volunteer. On average Americans give up 52 hours a year volunteering.
Most volunteering involves food collection and distribution. Our church is blessed to have several that volunteer at Storehouse ministries this past way they gave away around 32.000 pounds of food just last month feeding literally thousands of children and their families in our own back yard.
There are many reasons people volunteer. The reason why people say they volunteer are the following:
a) People want to make a difference.
b) People want to give back because someone gave to them.
c) People want community; it brings people together.
d) People say it’s good for them.
But in history, there was one volunteer that impacted all of our lives through one singular event-- that event changed the world. This event took place one Friday afternoon outside the walls of Jerusalem on a criminals cross. It was the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
In explanation of what happened on that day, Hebrews 7:26 says that Jesus “offered up Himself.”
Do you know what that means? It means this: Everything that Jesus did for you He did willingly.
a) He suffered voluntarily
b) He bled voluntarily
c) He suffered on the cross voluntarily
d) He died voluntarily
He was not a victim but became a volunteer for you willingly. Jesus had a choice and He chose you over Himself.
In John 10: 17 we hear Jesus say: “....I lay down my life---only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own accord.”
As a volunteer who knew His destination that would provide salvation, Jesus foretold His death and in it explained why Calvary was necessary.
From Jesus’ lips, what did He say about the reason why He volunteered to take on such a task? In this foretelling of the cross he explained “why” he made the choice, why He signed up, stepped forward and enlisted to become the Savior of the world.
Transitional Sentence: In John 12 he explains that He volunteered for three good reasons:
I. Reason #1- To Give You Confidence About Your Future
vs. 31- “Now judgement is upon the world; now the ruler of the world will be cast out.”
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are known as “the gospels.” The word “gospel” means: Good news. Yet, if you read each “gospel” you will discover that the gospel writers were mesmerized with the cross.
The cross was designed to punish, to kill, to showcase the earthly power of the Romans. It was intended to defeat, demoralize, and strike fear in others through the brutal stripping, stripes, and severe bloody and brutal execution of the human body.
Perhaps, due to the nature of this cruel condemnation the writers were initially magnetized to it.
1. 10% of each gospel speaks of the death of Jesus.
2. 1/3 of the gospels speak of the last week of Jesus life leading up the cross.
3. 2 out of 4 of the gospels speak of Jesus’ birth; yet all of the gospels speak about the
death of
4. Only 1 miracle is mentioned in all four gospels (the feeding of the 5000) but all of the
gospels speak of Jesus’ death.
The voluntarism of Jesus to embrace death on the cross was necessary for the gospel to be “good news” because without the cross; according to verse 31: “Satan would still be the ruler of this world.”
Yet, because Jesus voluntarily went to the cross, we are told that this is the reality: “Now judgment is upon the world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.” Vs. 31
Do you know what Jesus is confirming here?
a) First, He is confirming that the devil is real. Jesus gives him a title: “The ruler of the
b) Second, He is confirming that His plan for us has been disrupted and destroyed.
In verse 31 Jesus describes His death in militant and military terms. We are reminded that when Jesus voluntarily hung on the cross, that cross became an instrument of expulsion; engineered and designed to surmount an attack on Satan to ultimately cast him out.
Using linguistic tools we are able to “get the picture.”
a) The phrase “cast out” (ek ballo) means: “to drive out.”
b) It is in Future Passive Indicative- This means that Jesus did something in the past that
will be completed in the future.
What Jesus did on the cross sealed Satan’s fate and set in stone a prophetic fact that is unchangeable.
It assure us that we will not have to put up with Satan forever; the death of Jesus provided the death blow for Satan’s kingdom.