Walking With The Lord Part 3 Series
Contributed by C Vincent on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The 3rd in the series on the Holy Spirit. This one covers walking in the Spirit and being in agreement with the Lord and fellow believers.
Walking with the Lord
JCC 25.04.10 pm
Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Two people must be in agreement to get anywhere in life
Two in a business partnership
Two in a marriage
If you are is disagreement, then it will not work out
The Holy Spirit brings a harmony among the church through the fruit of the Spirit
Agree on what really matters
You may not like everything your partner or spouse does, but it shouldn’t stop you going in the same direction
Three things needed for two to walk in agreement
1. Departure
2. Direction
3. Destination
1. Departure:
The first thing about walking with someone is the place of departure
If you are going somewhere with someone, you agree to meet at a point to begin your journey
At the airport you have to meet at the departure gate that will take you to the correct destination
It’s no good meeting for a flight to Spain if your destination is America
The meeting place or departure with the Lord, is the cross, because our destination is heaven
When we stand at the crossroads of our life and acknowledge that we have walked the wrong path
We have walked the way of the world
You realise that the direction you are going is not the way of the Lord
And there you wait until he takes your hand and says, ‘come with me’
Depart from the road you on and take the route he wants you to have
There is a lovely verse hidden in a very dull chapter in Gen 5
We read all the genealogies since Adam, and then we get to verse 24
And Enoch walked with God.....
There has to come a time in my life and yours when we depart from the path we are treading and begin to walk with God
Only you know if you are walking with Him
Jesus spoke about two roads
One being wide which led to death and a narrow road that leads to life
Matt 7:13-14 the road that leads to life Jesus said only a few find it
The Holy Spirit reveals the right road to us
Those of the Spirit walk in step with the Spirit
But many walk the way of the world, the way of the carnal nature
The road of religion
As I said this morning, the way to hell is paved with good intentions
But good intentions are not the right direction
Make sure your departure is from the cross
2. Direction:
If you are walking with someone, then the direction you are going must be the same
What path or road to take has to be agreed upon
It’s no use saying you are walking with someone if you want to go one way and they choose another
What use is that?
It is the same when God calls us to walk with him
God calls us to walk daily with him
How do we know which path to walk?
The Bible calls tells us that the word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path Ps 119:105
God’s word is what will keep us on the correct path
Paul said, walk in the Spirit
Gal 5:16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh
Gal 5:25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit
Rom 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit
Rom 8:12 that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit
It is our duty to walk according to the Spirit and in the Spirit
But how do we do this?
By being filled with the Holy Spirit and keeping close to the lord at all times
There is a problem when we walk with someone that may arise
How fast they walk
By keeping in step with the Spirit, we will walk according to the Holy Spirit’s speed
Are you keeping up with the Lord or are you lagging behind?
In the prophecy God speaks about moving only when he says
It’s vital we walk in harmony with him
Do we want to walk together with the Lord?
More importantly, do we want to walk together as a church with the Lord?
Are you ready to hear this?
Are you willing to turn and walk with Him?
And, are you ready to walk together as a church?
You cannot stand facing in two directions
You cannot but walk the Lord’s way
Give up all to obtain what he wants and where he leads