
Summary: The battles we face in life are won by trusting God and being completely obedient to His direction. To lead others we must have a contagious faith, and be willing to use what we have now. Gideon needed constant reassurance by God, but he never gave up.

Persistent Obedience to the Lord Brings Victory by the Lord

Judges 7:15-25

I. Have a Contagious Active Faith (15-16)

A. Gideon recognized God's involvement (he heard and worshiped)

B. He believed in and trusted God¡¦s power to deliver

C. His wisdom by faith showed him that he could use what he had to win. Waiting on something bigger was not an option.

II. Be a Leader and Lead (17-18)

A. Have a "follow me" mentality about leading (17)

B. Be an example and do what you do in the name of the Lord (18)

III. Stand Your Ground Where God Has Put you (19-21)

A. Gideon's army followed his directions (19-20)

B. They stood their ground (21)

IV. Finish the Job (22-25)

A. The Lord fought the battle in the enemies heart

B. The Israelites fought the battle by pursuing the army

C. When faith to win a battle is in a person and the person is gone, then the soldiers lose faith in winning a battle. (25)

What can we learn from a scripture that deals with a battle?

*The example of how you accept or reject an opportunity will be noticed and followed by those inclined to think and act as you do

*To please God and be a part of His plan, we must claim victory before a battle

*When we decide to trust God and His leader, then we must stand our ground and never give up.

*Remember that God is working on the victory in a way you may not see.

*Finish what you start.

*Your battle may involve life situations, spiritual uncertainty, family matters, situations that cause emotional pain, people in church,

marriage, facing an overwhelming situation, or your own battles with yourself.

*Remember that Satan is always ready to influence a Christian who is weak in their faith.

*Most importantly, God can fight the battle for us and win, if we are obedient to Him.

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