Under Pressure. Series
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Peter & John Under Pressure. (Powerpoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: gcurley@gcurley.info)
The Places:
(1). The Colonnade (vs 12)
(2). The Jail (vs 18)
(3). The Temple Courts (vs 21)
(4). The Court Room (vs 27)
(5). House to House (vs 42)
The Events:
(1). Power on the Porch (Vs 12-16)
(2). Joy in Jail (vs 17-20)
(3). Teaching in the Temple (vs 21)
(4). Courage before the court (vs 27)
• Last we you looked at verses 1-16 the story of Ananias and Sapphira.
• How they try to deceive the other members of the fellowship;
• As well as lying to God by being dishonest.
• Being honest is not always easy.
• I like the story of tThe children in a prominent American family;
• Who for a birthday present;
• Decided to give their father a book of the family’s history.
• They commissioned a professional biographer to do the work,
• Carefully warning him of the family’s ‘black sheep;
• Who was called Uncle George.
• Uncle George had been executed in the electric chair for murder.
• “No problem said the biographer,
• I can handle that situation so that there will be no embarrassment”.
• The biographer assured the children.
‘I’ll merely say that Uncle George occupied a chair of applied electronics at an important Government Institution. He was attached to his position by the strongest ties and his death came as a real shock.’
Note: A simple outline of this chapter is:
• In verses 1-11 we saw opposition to the Church from within;
• In verses 12-42 we will see opposition to the Church from outside forces.
Notice: That Acts chapter 5 is a series of places:
• Joke - Talking of places – I like the story of the man who;
• Went to a restaurant that had a sign hanging up that said;
• ‘They served breakfast at any time’.
• So he ordered English breakfast during the Reign of Charles 2nd!
• Now if you scan through Acts chapter 5 with me;
• You will see that a variety of places are mentioned.
(A). The Places:
(1). The Colonnade (vs 12):
“The apostles performed many signs and wonders among the people.
And all the believers used to meet together in Solomon’s Colonnade”
• Solomon’s colonnade was becoming a regular meeting place for Christians to meet together.
• Don’t forget that Church buildings had not yet been invented.
• Buildings came much later
• On Google someone had asked the question:
• “Where was the first church ever built and who ordered it to be build?”
• The first answer to that question was:
• “The first church was built by Jesus Christ. It is entire the world.”
• Well the answer is half right – the full answer should have said:
• “The first church was built by Jesus Christ. It is made up of every single Christian.”
• Note: We have said it often that you don’t go to Church;
• Because YOU (if you are a believer) are the Church.
In Acts chapter 5 these first Christians recognised the importance of meeting together;
• Regularly meeting together as Christians;
• Should never be an optional extra – it is a basic essential if we mean business with God!
• This Church (group of believers) needed somewhere big enough for them to meet;
• Somewhere big enough to hold a lot of people.
• If you can cast your mind back to Acts chapter 4 verse 4:
• The Church in Jerusalem was rather large;
• It was made up of about 5,000 men plus women & kids.
These Christians met in Solomon's Colonnade;
• This was a long porch:
• Stretching along, the eastern side of the temple courtyard.
• It sounds grand and the architecture was grand;
• But if you were there;
• It would have felt anything but a dignified religious sight;
• It was full of the sick and the feeble, the diseased, the afflicted and the disabled.
• It was full of beggars, the unfortunates of society.
• So this grand colonnade;
• Actually looked like a cross between a card-board city and a General Hospital.
(So the first place mentioned is a porch, a colonnade - the second place mentioned is:
(2). The Jail (vs 18):
“They arrested the apostles and put them in the public jail”.
• Joke – Talking of jail – I like the story of…
• The woman who was in court for stealing a tin of pineapples;
• The judge said he was going to send her to jail for every pineapple-chunk in the tin.
• At that point her husband shouted out; “She also stole a tin of peas!”
Now what a contrast, the architecture of the colonnade is to a depressing “Public Jail".