
Summary: Most Christians live a life outside processing their thoughts with God's thoughts or his word.

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Philippians 2:5

“Let this mind be in you with was in Christ Jesus.”

The Holy Spirit through Paul is counseling the church that is in a crisis, their pastor is sick and at the moment they have no pastor.

But also Paul is going through a crisis, he is in prison without hopes of coming out. Paul says I know you are in a crisis but what is going to help me and you is godly thinking. Paul is saying this is what has worked for me. He is saying this is crucial because what worked for Paul can also work for the church and you.

I like what Paul did because this is what a godly leader do, he is not here to solve everyone’s problem but to lead you to right place where you will get help. Be careful with a man who is tries to show you he can solve all of your problems without showing you were to go when he is not around. Your prayers and a man of God’s prayer are all heard the same way.

Paul does not try to build dependence on him but he pointed people to the mind of God

There over 40 problems in the book of Philippians some personal others corporate, but all Paul says you need to correct your thinking to be connect it to God’s. Notice that he gives them the same advice throughout all of their problems. He says the only solution to all of your problems and mine is thinking! Thinking! Thinking!

According to psychology a man has between 12,000 – 60,000 thoughts a day. That means 3000 thoughts every hour. Imagine?

They said 50% of thoughts are negative.

And 75% of those are repetitive.

So every day we are flooded with constant streams of thoughts. This is true whether you are a Christian or non Christian.

Your thinking as a Christian is important, thinking is not just thinking! Whatever you think will eventually come out as words or as actions. So thinking never remains as thinking. Our actions are born through our thinking. This is where words are from.

Proverbs 23:7” as a man thinketh so he is”. So how and what you think is key. God wants his mind to saturate your thinking.

This is why Matthew 4:4 God wants you to think with his mind. If you have noticed normally what we hear we think

Mark 4:24 we are told to take heed or to be careful of what we hear with the measure we meet, because whatever we hear we will think about. There is a direct connection between what we hear and what we think about.

So God wants your thinking, because you are your thinking, this is why he wants you to live by every word that proceeds from his mouth. Truth is that whoever has your thinking or mind, that person has you.

You are what you are thinking and you can never be above what you think!

This is why Satan fights to get your mind so that he can control your thinking. Why does he want your mind? It is simple because you can never be different than what you think. If Satan gets your thinking it will be so easy for him to destroy you.

If God gets your mind/ thinking he will build you to success.

When you go to God be it in prayer or for a solution, the first thing God wants to change in your situation is always you.

Before God changes your spouse, he wants to change you.

Before God changes your boss, he wants to change you.

Before God changes your enemies that are against you, while the enemies are attacking you, before he touches them, he wants to change you first.

Before God changes your finances, circumstances, health, or anything in your life he wants to change you.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 he wants to make all things beautiful. Revelation 21:5 behold I will make all things new.

The first thing God wants to change in you is your thinking. God is saying no matter what you are going through until you think with my word or with me, your thinking is wrong.

Your thinking may be rational, logical or reasonable but without thinking with him our thinking is wrong.

And the first step of thinking is thinking with His word. The only way to have positive thinking is thinking with his mind/ his word. Most thoughts from the world are negative and all it brings problems.

The word of God will correct your thinking, it will affect you and make you a better person, and it will transform you.

You need to think right for right actions and right words. And the only ways to do that you need God’s thoughts/mind. Think with God’s thoughts/ God’s mind/ God’s words which he has made available to us through the bible

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