The Sheep Gate Series
Contributed by Shawn Drake on Dec 7, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 1st sermon in the Series "Rebuild The Gates".
Series: Rebuild The Gates [#1]
Nehemiah 3:1
With all of the craziness going on, many people are predicting that this is the end. No one knows when Jesus is coming back; but He gave us instructions. Jesus told us to be watching, be ready, and be praying. If Jesus came back today, how would He find you?
In the Old Testament we find that the Babylonians went into Jerusalem, killed many, took many captives, and destroyed the Temple and the walls around the City. Nehemiah was a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes, the Persian King. Nehemiah got permission from the King to go and rebuild the walls around Jerusalem. Nehemiah knew that without a wall around Jerusalem, the city would be vulnerable and destroyed again.
Right now, the spiritual walls and gates around our Nation, State, City, and Churches have been burned down and destroyed by the enemy. The enemy has come in and stolen what is not his. He has stolen our morals, ethics, and principles in which we were founded. He has robbed us of our children, grandchildren, church family, etc…
We have allowed the enemy to cause us to feel powerless, vulnerable, scared, and without hope; but through the power of God, we can have victory. Through the power of God, we need to begin to rebuild the spiritual walls around our Nation, State, City, and Churches. Over the next weeks, we are going to study each of the Gates that were rebuilt. Tonight, we are going to study the Sheep Gate.
Nehemiah 3:1
The Sheep Gate…
1. Was the most important gate around the city because it was where the sheep used for the sacrifices were brought in.
Those sheep that were brought through this gate to be offered had to be examined thoroughly for any blemishes or defects before they could ever enter the city. Only those who appeared perfect could be considered as worthy of offering to God. Once they were into the city and presented at the Temple, they were examined even more closely to ensure that nothing would disqualify them for use as a sacrificial lamb. The Law of Moses said that only a perfect lamb would be acceptable by God as an offering for the sin of Israel.
The Sheep Gate is a symbol of the very 1st experience we encounter in our Christian life. It is not through our own righteousness and our own blood, but by the perfect, precious Blood of the Lamb. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. On the day of his crucifixion Jesus carried his cross out of the city, passing through the Sheep Gate. Just as many thousands of sheep had passed through this gate, the Lamb of God passed also.
The Sheep Gat…
2. Was rebuilt by the High Priest and Priests.
Jesus Christ built the gate into which we enter into the New Jerusalem with a cross. Without the cross where Jesus shed His perfect blood for us, there would not be cleansing of sin. If you were to continue reading through this chapter of Nehemiah about the others gates that were rebuilt, you would discover that there are 2 things unique about this gate.
The Sheep Gate…
* Had no bolts or locks.
All of the other gates had locks on them, but the entry into Jerusalem from the Sheep Gate was by choice. Jesus built the gate that leads into the New Jerusalem without locks and bolts. It is by choice that we enter or not enter through this gate.
The Sheep Gate…
* Was dedicated.
None of the other gates were dedicated. Why? The Sheep Gate was set apart- It is a Holy Gate. This gate is different from the others. The Sheep Gate was the starting point of Nehemiah’s reconstruction project in rebuilding of the city just as it is the starting point of rebuilding our lives and our relationship with God.
There is only one way to the rebuilding of our lives, our Church, our City, our State, our Nation, etc…; and that is through Jesus Christ. There is no other way to be saved. If you were to read through the entire 3rd chapter of Nehemiah, you will find that the Sheep Gate is also mentioned at the very end of the construction process, once the work on the walls of the city have come full circle. This is because everything starts and ends with Jesus’ death on the cross. The Cross of Christ is the central point of human history and the center point of eternal life. All of God’s plans for your life and for mine are hinged upon our passage through the Sheep Gate and the acceptance of Jesus as our Lord and Savior.