The Parable Of The Tenants Series
Contributed by Keith Butler on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon will outline Jesus’ views of Israel’s position in God’s kingdom, and the danger we have of being replaced like Israel.
Matthew 21:33-44
Key Verse and Theme: “Therefore I tell you the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but on whom it falls will be crushed.” (Matthew 21:43-44)
1. The landowner created a place for the tenants.
A. God the landowner created a place for us to live. (Genesis 1-2)
B. God rented the vineyard to a select group of people.
C. God made the tenants stewards of the vineyard.
2. The landowner sent out servants to gather the harvest.
A. Who are the servants the landowner sends out?
B. The Old Testament prophets were given a message to take to God’s people.
C. John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus. (Mark 6:26-29)
3. The landowner sends his son to collect the harvest.
A. The landowner thought the tenants would respect his son.
B. The tenants wanted the inheritance for their own, so they killed the son.
C. The priests and Pharisees said the landowner had the right to remove the tenants and replace them with other tenants.
4. So What?
A. Who was Jesus speaking to in this parable? (Matthew 21:45)
B. The parable came true. Romans 11:11-21
C. The stone in the Scriptures is Jesus.
D. The stone will break anyone who falls on it, but it will crush anyone upon whom it falls.