
Summary: How do you relate to the personalities of the first disciples?

The First Disciples To Follow Jesus

John 1:35-51

John the Baptist had a wonderfully productive ministry. He did precisely what he was sent to do. He was chosen before his birth to be the herald of the Messiah. He was the last Nazarite from birth that we know of. He truly prepared the way for Jesus. The first five disciples were John’s disciples before they followed Christ. They found the truth. Have you?

1. John had seen the sign he expected and was sure the Jesus was the Christ

A. John saw the Spirit of God come upon Jesus gently as if He were a dove according to the promise prophesied by Isaiah (11:2, 42:1).

B. We’re told only of the last few months of John’s ministry when he became a nuisance to the Sanhedrin. We’re not told of his experiences out in the wilderness as God prepared him for his ministry.

C. All the Jews were anticipating the coming of the Messiah who would initiate a rebirth of the nation of Israel. They were looking for someone to believe in.

2. John pointed others to Jesus

A. His testimony caused some of his own disciples to leave him. He knew that that was the reason he was sent before the Lord and he was content to be of service to God.

B. When asked how he felt about his disciples leaving he said, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30).

3. Jesus began to walk in His anointing

A. Andrew and John were the first to follow Jesus. They had come to John seeking the truth about God and he didn’t fail them. God had already prepared them to leave John and to follow Jesus.

B. Jesus tested their resolve. He wanted them to be sure they were willing to pay the price necessary to become His disciple. Have you counted what it will cost you to follow Jesus?

C. The question we must answer for ourselves is “What seek ye?” When they answered with the question, “Where do you live?,” they were asking “How far will we have to go?”

D. On the surface they were ready to follow Him, but Jesus know which of them were committed to do anything necessary and which were not.

4. Jesus’ disciples immediately began multiplying

A. Andrew went to find his brother and call him to meet the Master. He came to meet Jesus and when Jesus met him, Jesus gave him a new name. Do you know that once you meet Jesus He gives you a new name too?

B. Philip was probably a fisherman like Andrew, John and Peter. He was probably a coworker and friend. When Jesus saw him He said, “Follow Me,” and he did. Who are you following?

C. Philip began to multiply his ministry also. He found Nathaniel who is also known as Bartholomew. He wasn’t sure but he had an open mind, and when Jesus answered his questions, his doubts vanished.

Do you have any doubts as to who Jesus is? He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and was killed for sins He didn’t commit. After spending three days in a borrowed grave He rose again. His life, death and resurrection according to fulfilled prophecy tells us who He is in no uncertain terms. Anyone who is not lying to themselves can only conclude that Jesus is exactly who He claims to be. He is the Son of God: His Word made flesh. His promise to all believers is, because you believe “you will see the heavens open, and God’s angels” working and guiding your steps. God loved you enough to die in your place. Will you accept Him as your Lord today?

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