
Summary: The Holy Spirit, truth, worship

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April 24, 2022

John 4:19-26


As we talk about living a life of worship I’ve thought about one of the most under-preached and misunderstood conceptions of God. 99.9% of us here this morning are familiar with John 3:16, “God loved this world so much that he gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

We have at least an understanding that Christianity believes and teaches that God interrupted history with the birth, life, death and resurrection of His perfect son. This is the Gospel, the foundation on which the church is built. Long ago, 2000+ years ago, God’s plan for salvation came about.

But here’s the part I believe is so under-preached and misunderstood: God is still interacting. God is still involving himself in our lives. The cross and the empty tomb are the foundation for every person’s salvation. But God is still actively seeking people to worship Him. He is still aware of people who are separated from Him, and He works like a heavenly magnet to pull these people to Him. He is still the shepherd seeking the lost sheep, and doing everything He can to save them.

That’s why John 6:44 says, “No one can come to me (Jesus is the speaker) unless the Father who sent me draws Him.” God is the magnet, the one from whom the energy to draw comes. We, all people, are the lifeless chunk of metal being pulled toward the magnet.

Every one of us was created to be in relationship with God the Father, and God the Father is still seeking that relationship of worship. He is still seeking true worshipers.

I. Do Not Ignore the Divine Appointments

Our text starts right in the middle of a conversation between Jesus and a Samaritan woman. Our text involves a discussion about worship. How Jesus worships. How Samaritans worship. Where Jesus worships. Where Samaritans worship. What true worship is and what it ain’t.

But let me give you just a tiny bit of background. Jews hated Samaritans and Samaritans hated Jews. Jews considered themselves the pure children of God and the Samaritans were half-breeds, part Jewish and part Gentile. This hatred is what makes the story of the good Samaritan so powerful. A person who is supposed to hate gets off his donkey and loves. He was a neighbor, regardless of skin color or race, because he showed mercy.

Right before Jesus has this conversation with the Samaritan woman John the Baptist introduces Jesus to the world. It seems that more people are going across the river to be baptized by Jesus’ disciples than were now coming to John and his disciples for baptism.

Here’s what John the Baptist says: John 3:27-36

The groom’s here! I was just sent to announce his entrance. I was the best man, I attended to the groom. My job was to get things ready for his arrival. The bride belongs to Him. He’s here for his bride. I’ve done my job. I’m joyful because the wedding can begin.

But this groom is from heaven. He’s God’s son. He’s from God, has God’s authority and God’s inheritance for eternal life. Accept Him and live forever, reject him and God rejects you.

When Jesus hears about this and the argument between the Pharisees and John the Baptist, he leaves Judea and goes back to Galilee (verse 3).

And John 4:4 says, “Now he had to go through Samaria, so he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar.”

Why did he have to go through Samaria? No other Jews did. The Pharisees considered Samaritan dirt like walking in a cesspool. Most Jews walked around Samaria instead of going through it. So why did Jesus have to go through Samaria? Because it was shorter? I think not.

The Groom is here. It’s time for a wedding. The groom is perfect, spotless and without sin. The bride on the other hand is a mess, soiled by life, dirtied by relationships, bruised by the world. But the groom loves her enough to die for her.

Jesus the groom knew exactly who would be at that well. A woman hiding from the crowds by coming in the heat of the day to draw water. A woman who’s been married five times and now is shacking up with a guy.

She was coming for water. But Jesus knew she was dying of spiritual thirst. Maybe she’d given up hope for anything better.

Here’s my news flash: She is exactly the kind of worshiper the father seeks. She’s not ready to worship yet but Jesus is looking for her, not the other way around.

This is His divine appointment.

Jesus is still keeping those divine appointments today. His Spirit still offers living water to modern day women of Samaria, a money hungry businessman like Zacheus, and zealots like Simon. He knows right where you are and He’s still seeking you.

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