
Summary: Jesus is introducing the Holy Spirit to his disciples and describes Him as the: "Spirit of Truth";Comforter; and Eternal Counselor.

John 14:13-31 THE ETERNAL COUNSELOR 2-3-08

I. The Holy Spirit Coming into the world.

A. Jesus revealed that the Holy Spirit was coming into the

world when He leaves.

1. Jesus introduced the disciples to the Paraclete.

2. The Paraclete is the Holy Spirit, the One who

comes along side of the believer.

3. He is not different than Jesus in fact He is the

same as Jesus, “And I will ask the Father, and he will

give you another Counselor to be with you forever—The

Greek word for another means “of the same kind.”

Having the same nature.

B. The Holy Spirit’s role is to glorify the Son.

1. He will glorify the Son by abiding in the believer.

2. He will glorify the Son by teaching the believer.

3. He will glorify the Son by enabling the believer to

fulfill God’s Will.

C. The Holy Spirit is an essential part of the Trinity.

1. God has revealed Himself in three Persons: Father,

Son, and Holy Spirit.

2. The Son came to glorify the Father, and the Holy

Spirit comes to glorify the Son.

II. The Holy Spirit the Comforter.

A. He comforts us by coming along side of us.

1. He comforts us when we are challenged in our


2. He comforts us when we are overcome with loss.

B. He comforts us by indwelling us.

1. He empowers us to live the Christian life.

2. He emboldens us to live the Christian life.

3. He embraces us and strengthens us from within.

C. He comforts us by living with us.

1. He reveals the truth as the “Spirit of truth.”

2. He relays messages in our behalf. (Rom. 8:26)

3. He gives us renews our spirit through confession.

III. The Holy Spirit our Eternal Counselor.

A. This term Counselor is a court term which means we

have an advocate before the Father.

1. Jesus is our advocate before the Father and so is

the Holy Spirit who stands as our Counselor

today, tomorrow and forever.

2. When it comes our time to stand before the

Father in judgment we have an Eternal


3. The Counselor of our life not only knows the

Will of God but is able to help us fulfill that will

in our lives as we walk in obedience and truth.

B. The Eternal Counselor our guide.

1. He is present to guide us through life.

2. He is present to reveal the truth of God’s word

and will for our lives.

3. He is present to convict us of truth,

righteousness and sin.

He is present to admonish our faith

He is present to build our faith

He is present to complete our faith

He is present to examine our faith

He is present to fill our faith

He is present to ground our faith

He is present to help our faith

He is present to improve our faith

He is present to justify us in our faith

He is present to keep us in our faith

He is present to lead us in our faith

He is present to motivate us in our faith

He is present to navigate our faith

He is present to orchestrate our faith

He is present to promote our faith

He is present to qualify our faith

He is present to restore our faith

He is present to strengthen our faith

He is present to test our faith

He is present to undergird our faith

He is present to verify our faith

He is present to widen our faith

He is present to x-ray our faith

He is present to put a yearning in our life for faith

He is present to give us zeal in our faith

C. The prosecuting Counselor.

1. You don’t want to stand before Him as the

prosecuting Counselor.

2. He knows your every weakness and your every


3. He knows your lack of faith, your unrepentant

heart, and your stubborn will not to surrender to


4. He will build a case against you, he will reveal

your worst acts, your unimaginable thoughts,

and every time you disobeyed God’s word,

every time you turned a deaf ear to His word,

and every time your cursed Him, abused Him,

and refused Him. You don’t want to stand

before Him as your prosecuting Counselor.

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