The Church- God's Establishment Series
Contributed by Kim Huffman on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In this sermon we go back to what the Bible says about the establishment of the church. We should want to be the church Jesus died to establish.
Kim Huffman 1/4/4
Goshen Christian Church
God’s Pattern for the Church Series #1
MT. 16:13-19
How would you define the role of the church in the world today?
The church was born, she conformed, she became deformed, she was reformed but what she really needed was to be restored.
The church suffered from change that in times past became denominations. The church today suffers from changes that have become an independent movement.
The best way to understand what the church should be is to go back to the church’s establishment.
It all began when Jesus came to this earth.
Jesus came to earth (John 3:16) as a part of God’s overall plan to bridge the gap between us and God that was brought about by sin.
1. Jesus came to bring salvation to us.
Acts 4:12
John 14:6
Luke 19:10
2. Jesus came to help the church understand her two purposes for existing.
A. Save the lost
B. Edify (teach) the saved
We see this born out in the New Testament books. There are 5 book (Mt. Mk. Lk. Jn. and Acts) to help us come to salvation and 21 books (the Epistles) to teach us how to live as Christians.
3. Jesus came to give us plenty of opportunities to grow.
Eph. 5:16
Eph. 5:10
Col. 4:5
2 Cor. 5:9,10
Jesus came preaching truth and repentance. He knew that He would be turning the continuation of His church over to others.
1. He chose 12 men (Apostles) who He mentored and train to take over the work.
2. Jesus had been teaching the Disciples for some time. He asks an important question that would let Him know if the Disciples were understanding what Jesus had been teaching them. Everything hung on what question?
Mt. 16:15-”But who do you say that I am?”
3. Peter spoke up for the Apostles and said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
Jesus’ response to Peter’s answer is critical to our understanding how the church began.
A careful look at two similar words helps us to see what Jesus really said.
1. The word for Peter is “petros” and it means a small rock.
2. The word for rock is “petra and means foundation or large rock.
3. Did Jesus say He would build his church on “petros” or on “petra?’
If Jesus wanted to build upon Peter he would have used the word that is translated Peter. But He doesn’t use that word. He used the word that is translated rock. What was the rock Jesus was talking about?
It seems very clear from the use of words that the only thing Jesus could have meant was Peter’s statement of faith.
When God established His church Jesus was the chief cornerstone (Eph. 2:20).
The Prophets and Apostles laid the foundation for the church (Eph. 2:20)
Peter was given the keys to the door (Mt. 16:19) of the church so that he could open the door and let people in. Peter was not the door. Jesus was the door (Jn. 10:7,9).
Since 30AD when the church was established on Pentecost and the Gospel was first preached the church has been going forward.
Peter calls all of us who are Christians, “living stones” (1 Peter 2:5).
The Lord was adding to their number daily those who were being saved (Acts 2:47).
In the book of Acts all the examples we have of people becoming Christians have them doing the following:
1. They believed
2. They repented
3. They Confessed
4. They were baptized
5. They continued to grow.
There are no examples of anyone saying a sinners prayer, raising their hands, or just accepting Christ ever becoming a Christian.